Analysis Of The New Vegemite

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Vegemite, a unique product has been part of Australians since 1922. A strong influence has happened throughout these years which are evident from the time line of Vegemite. By promoting as a source of certain vitamins helped Kraft to acquire special place among its customers. Kraft has targeted the children initially, which are followed by focusing upon different age groups. The time line of several advertisement campaigns reveals the focus strategies used by them throughout these years.
Like many other day to day products, Vegemite has successfully become a daily requirement for the families with Australian origin. The taste of the product with bitterness and salt resulted in strong affection to the product due to the continuous usage over long periods. However, a product with strong taste, longer life and also limited usage as breakfast and lunches resulted in the creation of constraints for the product. Apart from them, the dependency over bread and also toasted way of eating restricts the product to develop more consumption patterns.
The aging of the brand and the decline in market share has made Kraft to think about ways to stretch the brand life. The efforts to reduce the gap of understanding the customer by hiring IBM and also the development of new product in record time is really achievements of the company. However, they failed in rightly placing the product in the market. ‘Introducing iSnack 2.0: The New Vegemite’ gives the insight into the failure of a strategy and the cost of such a failure.

The case ‘Introducing iSnack 2.0: The New Vegemite’ mainly focus on iSnack 2.0, a newly developed product for recapturing and defending the market share for Vegemite. Being a market...

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...ming and also for the launch will create a feeling of owning the brand and the product among them. This will definitely result in better sales of both the products.

Even though Vegemite is having good sales, the attempt to increase the brand image was a failure. It is evident that the new product which was developed by understanding the needs of the consumers is a success however the marketing of the product with the name ‘iSnack 2.0’ which correlates the product with technical gadgets resulted in negative results. The aim of increasing brand image for Vegemite and the push for the new product can be done with more consumer engagement programs. The loyalty of Australians towards Vegemite can be used as the opportunity for new product market growth for a short period after which it should be promoted as a separate brand like Philadelphia Cream Cheese.

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