Analysis Of The New Subaltern: A Silent Interview

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The New Subaltern: A Silent Interview
Gayatri Spivak, (born Feb. 24, 1942, Calcutta, India), Spivak is a literary critic and theorist. She sometimes regarded as the “Third-World Woman”. She is best known for the article, (Can the Subaltern Speak?). It is considered a founding text of postcolonialism. She is also known for her translation of Jacques Derrida‘s Of Grammatology‟. This translation brought her to prominence. After this she carried out a series of historical studies and literary critiques of imperialism and feminism.
Her Areas of Interest: 19th- and 20th-century literature; Marxism; feminism; deconstruction; poststructuralism; globalization
Key words: Subaltern, post-colonialism studies, subaltern historiography, consciousness of …show more content…

It is “A code-word to deceive the prison censor to allow his manuscripts out the prison"(Morton 96). Also, Gramsci used the term subaltern to refer in particular to the unorganized groups of rural peasants based in Southern Italy, who had no social or political consciousness as a group, and were therefore susceptible to the ruling ideas, culture and leadership of the state. Later on, historians of south Asia adopted the word from Gramsci and change its meaning to mean persons and groups cut off from upward-, and in a sense, “out-ward”-social mobility. This also meant that these persons and groups were cut off from the culture line that produced the colonial subject.
“The general political importance of subaltern studies is in the production of knowledge to quote Marxian phrase ‘educating for educator’…the subalternist of production of knowledge was to undermine the monopoly credit rating of the progressive bourgeois and rethink the political so that subaltern insurgency is not seen as invariably pre- political….. ” (p.231)
In order to illustrate The New Subaltern, Spivak …show more content…

These have come to be referred to by the term biocolonialism. Further, the obvious connection to colonialism, biocolonialism is also linked to the concept of biopolitics, or biopower, developed by Foucault.
• How we do we define subaltern studies in the wider field of post-colonial studies? Is it simply an Indian-national sector in this wider field or is it a cluster of distinct theoretical positions in this wider field?
“The subaltern studies is certainly related to south Asia history, as Gramsci was related to Italy, its theoretical position, of studying how the continuity of supposedly pre-political insurgency brings culture to crisis and confronts power would make post-colonial studies more conventionally political. One major difference is that the disciplinary connection of post-colonial studies is to literary criticism rather than history and the social science. Subaltern studies has not pursed oral history as unmediated narrative, and its investigation and testimony have generally confined themselves to legal

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