Analysis Of The Immaculate Conception Of El Escolar

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The Immaculate Conception of El Escolar is an oil on canvas masterpiece by the Spanish master Bartolome Esteban Murillo. Its creation date is estimated around the 1660s during the Baroque period. The Baroque period in art is characterized by heavy influences and themes of the Catholic and religious kind. The prominence of religious themes and emphasis is attributed to the period when the Catholic Church used art a form of retaliation and propaganda against the Counter-Reformation in Europe. A lot of prominent artists became famous in this period and many of their work are commissions from the Church and other religious agents (like orders). Religious scenes became a staple of many painters, especially those who are already religiously devout …show more content…

She should be painted wearing a white tunic and a blue mantle. She is surrounded by the sun, an oval sun of white and ochre, which sweetly blends into the sky. Rays of light emanate from her head, around which is a ring of twelve stars. An imperial crown adorns her head, without, however, hiding the stars. Under her feet is the …show more content…

Although the image of the Virgin Mary is bordering on stereotype, it doesn’t diminish the expected outcome from viewers of this painting. In fact, Pacheco’s recommended iconography tries to mesh a lot of things – youth, regality, divinity and eternal warmth into one picture and subject. And it works. Marian devotees and other religious will find solace and assurance from this picture and those who don’t belong to the Catholic faith can still pick something and surmise as such in an impersonal level. The concept of divinity in this picture is a visual translation of Catholic teachings. It has been noted that the transition from a preacher’s words to the faithful has been a challenge, especially for people who were illiterate. Explaining theology and complex theories of divinity in a level that can be understood by these people is an important task as they make up most of the faithful. Numerous religious paintings, including this one, serves as a bridge between the religion and its

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