Analysis Of Ta-Nehisi Coates Between The World And Me

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The relation between the political and the personal - between the practice of redlining and the physical and psychological effect of living in racially segregated communities - constitutes Ta-Nehisi Coates’ contribution to modern political writing. Between the World and Me was written in 2015 by award winning essayist, journalist,and writer, Ta-Nehisi Coates in form as a letter to his son. The book is focused on the problem of racial injustice, which is presented in his point-of-view in form of memories ranging from when his child living in a traditionally black community, to his experiences as a youth, and finally present day America (2015). By challenging institutions like the government, police and schools, Coates shreds the facade of the American dream, and destroys the uninvestigated truism of the American charade of innocence and equality through emotional, logical, poignant, and plausible appeals, in order to teach the reader about racial racial injustice. Coates, through his book, creates a guide to racial segregation in America. Between the world and me is an arrow of awakening aimed at anyone who is deluded by the illusion of “the American dream.” This dream, according to coates “is perfect houses with nice lawns. ...The Dream smells like peppermint but …show more content…

Throughout the book, white people are classified as racist, but there is a problem with this generalization because Coates assumes that all white people are the same, he does not recognize that not all of them conform to the social standards. Coates portrayed all white people as protagonists in his book by referring to them as “those who believe themselves to be white.” He implies that all white people exist on a spectrum that extends from cordial neglect on one end to brutal heartless murderer on the other, therefore, all white people are guilty on different

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