Analysis Of Phantom Of The Opera

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Phantom Of The Opera

The Phantom of the Opera" the movie, in this essay is about more than just a phantom in an opera causing problems. It's about the world inside an opera house and its real master the Phantom. Also, it is about a love triangle and the struggles of love between the Phantom, Christine and Raoul. The lighting, color and music point to the Phantom as he controls the stage and the characters on it. Through these basic elements and the characters Andrew Schumacher the director shows the theme. The theme is about love being a struggle to find truth.

First of all, the characters create tension between themselves thus creating the struggle. The Phantom and Raoul both love Christine, but for different reasons. The Phantom loves her for her voice; Raoul loves her for her whole being. Christine has the difficult task of trying to figure out who she loves when everything around her leaves her spinning. The Phantom is The Angle of Music her father promised, but Raoul is her sw...

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