Analysis Of Pepsi Cola

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Music is one of the things that make the world a better place. Music helps billions of people around the world in many different aspects that no one can even imagine. The Pepsi Cola Company took advantage of this as they did their TV commercial which starred the famous international rapper, Nicki Minaj. The video started off with a man and a lady instantly hearing a Minaj song entitled, “Moment for Life,” right after they took a sip off their Pepsi cans. The world around them then suddenly stopped and they did laughable things to the people who stopped whatever it is that they were doing right on their specific tracks. They went to Nicki Minaj’s concert after their spontaneity and drank another can of Pepsi. The world abruptly continued and Minaj was live singing the same song. Everyone ended up having fun—even the ones who were simply minding their own lives when the world stopped. The advertisement ended with a tag line saying, “Live for now.” Ever since the emergence of social media such as Facebook, and Twitter, into the world of internet, people had a much accessible way of communicating with others and voicing out their thoughts. It helped them achieve worldwide connectivity—whether it’s their close relative in another country, or their favourite …show more content…

According to their theory, expertise and trustworthiness are the two most important keys in maintaining credibility. For Nicki Minaj fans who watched the ad, they would surely prefer the product endorsed by someone they look up to rather than another brand that doesn’t concern their favourite icon. Minaj also already has a certain credibility that makes her trustworthy enough to persuade the people to trust the product she is promoting, than any random citizen that has no credibility in front of the

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