Analysis Of Marty Nemko's 'We Send Too Many Students To College'

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No College, No worries In the essay, “We Send Too Many Students To College” by Marty Nemko, he argues that, contrary to popular belief, college is not for everybody. Nemko states that colleges accept numerous high school graduates every year, when they know that if the student did not do well in high school, they have a very low chance of actually acquiring a degree. However, If someone is fortunate enough to graduate from college and obtained a degree that costed them an exceptional amount of money, it is likely that they will have to settle for a job they could have “landed as a high school dropout”. Colleges are just out for money, and the only way they can get money is by accepting countless students into their “business”, whether the student will prosper from it or not is a different story. The article reports that there is no proof that students actually learn and remember everything they get taught during their college education. In fact, some college seniors failed tests that should be easily and accurately completed, and instead of these institutions getting penalized perhaps, they are “rewarded …show more content…

Logos appeals to reason, which are things like facts and statistics, and it works in the writers favor because it gives more information to the reader, which in turn builds the writer’s case. Nemko opens up almost right away with a “killer statistic” that warns of the fact that even if a student is giving an extended amount of time, if he or she did not graduate from high school in the top half of their class it is very unlikely that they will earn some kind of college degree. That is one statistic that is never heard, which is why it is stunning and a great way for Nemko to start off his argument. The fact that Nemko applies logos to his argument is the first reason why I agree with his proposal that too many young adults go to

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