Redefining School Function: An Essay on Education Reform

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Beneficial Experiences The controversial topic about the function of school is discussed at many school board and PTA meetings throughout America. In Anita Garland’s opinion, schools are not functioning properly. Garland states her reasons as to why the purpose of school has to change in her article, “Lets Really Reform Our Schools”, where she starts off by saying, “Desperate illnesses require desperate remedies. And our schools are desperately ill.” She proceeds to list the remedies in order to transform our schools into a more healthy, successful environment. First, Garland claims that the students who are not interested in studying should not be allowed, better yet, never forced to attend school with kids who want to receive …show more content…

Garland proposes that lunch should be prepared for students in a healthy way, that schools should only sell healthy, nutritional meals, and that lunch should be a time for learning about nutrition. I think that lunch being chosen for you doesn’t prepare students for what comes after school, choosing your own lunch and groceries every week. Lunch has taught me many things. One time, I ordered only dessert from my high school because I was craving chocolate, and of course chocolate tastes better than an apple and salad. Later that day, I went home with a really bad stomach ache from eating too much sugars and chocolate for lunch. That experience taught me to eat in a more nutritionally healthy way and to take a nutrition class. If I wouldn’t have experienced that stomach ache from the unhealthy food I ate for lunch I would never have learned to choose foods on my own. It is my freedom to choose the nutritional foods I want. Garland talks about how we shouldn’t get a break for lunch; we should continue our learning about nutrition, but why not let students rest for an hour in between there 5 hours they are at school. Why not just let students take a nutrition class and then rest during

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