Analysis Of Ivan Bunin's 'Light Breathing'

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In Ivan Bunin’s short story Light Breathing, Olya LAST NAME manages societal views of women and rape. The way Bunin describes her rape illustrates it to be a satanic act. In order to cope with rape, Olya acts and dresses like a woman because that is how she views herself. However, this further damages her emotionally because she faces societal consequences from acting so far beyond her years. She understands how society views her and uses this understand to commit suicide in the form of homicide. Neither the man that kills her nor the man that rapes her face any consequences for their actions because society believes that their actions are a result of her behavior. Later, in the graveyard, Bunin gives some idea of how Olya fares in the afterlife. …show more content…

When walking with INSERT NAME, her rapist, he says he is like FAUST AND MARGARET. Faust is under the devil’s influence and Gretchen is so pious and pure that even Mephistopheles cannot corrupt her. Faust proves to be even more immoral and more evil than Mephistopheles, a demon, by taking advantage of Gretchen’s innocence and naivety. Further exemplifying the devil, INSERT NAME has DARK EYES AND A FORKED BEARD. Bunin only briefly touches on these details, showing how little the evil in rape matters to society when it comes from the man. Moreover, the story focuses on Olya’s behavior and how society views this as a cause for her …show more content…

She is scolded for acting like a woman, whereas previously she had been scolded for acting like a child. According to AUTHORS in their study The roles of situational factors, attributions, and guilt in the well-being of women who have experienced sexual coercion, Olya is “socially encouraged to "look at [herself]" for reasons as to why [she is] victimized” (CITE). She is also told that her appearance is her responsibility, as are the actions of those around her as her clothing influences them. The principal of her school rants at her, saying INSERT RANT HERE to dress more modestly, however she is dressing like a woman and, specifically, a woman of a higher class. She receives other messages from society, pointing her out as the cause of men’s actions. Olya begins to understand how society views her and how she can incite specific reactions from the men in her life. From this understanding, Olya manipulates INSERT NAME. She leads him to believe she will marry him, and in order to anger him to the point of murder, she revokes her promise of marriage. However, he does not react violently enough to this, so she shows him the diary page which she knows incriminates her in his eyes and will be enough justification for him to shoot

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