Analysis Of Dennett's Where Am I

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I have been given the opportunity to give expert testimony on the philosophical issues that pertain to Dennett in the short story, “Where Am I?”. Dennett believes that he is being controlled by two people, and that he deserves a new body to separate the two distinct entities. NASA denies Dennett’s claim, and is not willing to succumb to Dennett’s demand for a new body. With this issue brought to court, I am here to offer advice to the court on this matter and offer my thoughts on what they should be considering. The current sub issue is whether or not Hubert (the computer algorithm mind controlling Dennett) is morally responsible. I will detail what is needed for Hubert to be considered morally responsible, and then I will try to show why I believe that Hubert can indeed be morally responsible. For Hubert to be morally responsible, …show more content…

This is very difficult to prove or disprove, due to the limited information that has been given to us. We first find out that Dennett has two distinct entities at the end of “Where Am I?” and even though we do not know which mind is Hubert and which mind is Yorick, we are able to see notice that the behavior of each mind was consistent with rational beings. One mind, let 's call him mind A, was highly concerned about his personal identity, and the prospect of two Dennett’s staking a claim to one body. The other mind, mind B was thrilled to have been let out of “purgatory” and was adamant about a new end, finding a new body for them to be separated. Mind B was also concerned about the well being of mind A, and the means of which will be taken to determine whether minds A or mind B is going to be the one to keep Dennett’s body. This indicates that both mind A and B are both rational beings that are capable of moral

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