Analysis Of Data Analysis Methods

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5.9 Data Analysis Method Analysis of data is done to get the results out of the research (Collies and Hussey, 2003;Ghauri and Gronhaug, 2002). The methodology of the data analysis depends upon the type of data collected whether it is quantitative or qualitative. As per literature review, the research approach is the systematic data collection for getting information out of them for finding the reply to the research problems or questions of the research. Since this research contains both qualitative and quantitative data, both quantitative and qualitative methods of data analysis are applied. For quantitative data, numerical data analysis and statistical tests application viz. computerised quantitative software Microsoft Excel etc are used. And for qualitative data, the analysis method has to be more subjective, examining and interpreting in order to gain a deeper understanding of social and human activities. The qualitative data analysis involves transcription of audio-taped interviews are analysed with the help of NVivo, a qualitative software package (Johnson and Christensen, 2004; Berger, 2006). The two methods are explained below: 5.9.1 Analysis of Qualitative Data There are a variety of suitable analytical approaches to qualitative research and many of them can be aided with computer software [Marshall and Rossman (1989); Coffy and Atkinson (1996]). It would be wrong for qualitative research to apply the available software to drive the general research strategy (Berger, 2006). The decision is to be taken weather to analyse data with the aid of a software computer package (e.g. QSR NVivo 10 etc.) or manually. Software ‘N Vivo’ is found to be suitable for dealing with large volumes of non-numerical data such as intervi... ... middle of paper ... ...i. e. mail). The reasons for the aforementioned selection were also provided in a detailed manner. Issues relating to data analysis were then discussed in detail. It was concluded that a number of statistical techniques such as factor analysis, t-test, ANOVA, ,X 2 test, discrisminant analysis, linear and logistics regression analysis are found to be utilized to test the survey instrument for data analysis purposes. This chapter also describes about the qualitative and quantitative analysis using N Vivo software and Excel spread sheet. This chapter thoroughly covered the three essential components of survey research approach. 'Instrument development and its validation' was briefly introduced. The next Chapter 6 will describe the ‘development and validation of the survey instrument’ which is considered to be important and essential for a reliable data collection.

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