Analysis Of Bosses Seek By Melissa Korn

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In Wall Street Journal’s article "Bosses Seek 'Critical Thinking,' but What Is That?", written by Melissa Korn, Korn discusses how employers want workers who are critical thinkers, but are not clear about what critical thinking is, perplexing their current and future employees. Korn goes on to list the various definitions of critical thinking from multiple sources. She iterates how confusing and abstract-like the skill’s definition has gotten through years of tossing the word around, emphasized by descriptions of Brittany Holloway’s own experience with critical thinking in the work field, describing the skill as “forming your own opinion from a variety of different sources” (Holloway qtd. in Korn). The reporter also describes how problem-solving and critical thinking go hand in hand, recounting Michael Desmarais’ words, from Goldman Sachs Group Inc., when they assessed the skills of other workers; he says, ".. the candidates should have displayed whether they possess critical thinking," (Desmarais qtd. in Korn). Korn then talks about how graduate students go into the work field thinking they can handle it, yet their employers disagree with the notion; employers believe that schools do not teach their students how to think critically and let them "... focus on their social lives at the expense of academic pursuits" (Korn). …show more content…


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