Personal Narrative: Jet Skiing

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Cursing along the lakeside on the open road as the sunbeams through the car windows. The distance to Cromwell is counting down as I sip away on a cold bottle of coke. We know the great adventure of being on holiday is about to begin as we drive over the big bridge that leads into Cromwell. We head to the campground where my grandparents wait for us on a site that our family shares. The family unpacks the car as fast as we can so we can head down to the lake on this hot summer day.

We arrive at the boat ramp and back the jet ski into the lake and tie it to a near by pole to stop it from floating away while dad drives the car out of the water and parks it near by. We find a nice place to set day shaded by two tall trees that lead down to a nice flat are just off the lake. My parents set up our portable BBQ and start to prepare food for lunch while I try to find a life jacket that actually fits me so I am able to go on the jet ski, after having to run back to camp and get one I am finally ready to go, I walk off towards the jet ski ready for the thrill ride I am about to take when I hear a loud call of my name, I turn around and see my mum holding up a bottle of sunscreen. I jog back to mum and get covered up in it from head to toe. Once I’m at the Jet Ski I …show more content…

Once I tie the jet ski up, I feel a light breeze whistling through which blows down the amazing smell of meat off the BBQ, the smell gets stronger as I get closer to the set up. The sight of pork chops and sausages sizzling away on the BBQ makes my mouth water and stomach rumble. While I am dishing up my own plate I wipe the drool away from my face and park up on the lakeside as the rough rocks rub up against my leg. The bright sun beams across the lake right into my eyes as I take my first bite of this delicious sausage, the sound of jet boats roaring past fills my ears as I sit and take in this amazing

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