Former Food Pyramid (1) 1. The message gets right to the point. It tells exactly how many of a certain group a person should eat or drink. There is not to many words in each section which makes a person easily read everything. 2. The drawings of certain items in the group gives great examples for those unfamiliar with certain products. Although, a pie graph could be used as an addition to the drawing, it would remove a person’s attention from the actual pyramid factor. 3. The design fits the basis of a pyramid with the smallest amount being on top. The colors represent the different food or drink items involved in that subject. Therefore, the colors are used appropriately for the examples. 4. I think the orange border on the left hand side The message is broken down into multiple parts that explain in detail the different colors of the pyramid. The wording is simplistic and made of an audience of any age. 2. The person climbing the period tells us a story that we need to make it to the top through eating properly. I think a pie graph would be more adequate in describing the story. The reason is that a pie graph shows a better breakdown of how much of a certain group a person should eat. 3. Yes, it represents a pyramid, but it does not need the steps. Although, it represents physical activity, some people might get the impression that the USDA is saying that steps are the best exercise. The colors are okay, except for the yellow color. This is because a person could barely read the white words oil in the yellow legend. 4. The dots connected to the dashed lines could be confusing to some. The dots and lines that go to the person (personalization) and the orange color (both moderation and variety) might make a person cross eyed. Unless a person reads each paragraph and then looks for the associated line will the person be able to match up the words to the The numbers on the side could go up to the 250 mark. This would give us a better indication of the Sub-Sahara Africa bars in the 1900 and 1930 fields. Accidents versus Diseases (4) 1. The paragraphs give a better description of the story rather than the pyramid. Yes, the smaller the deaths should be at the top of the pyramid, since it is the peak of the object. 2. A table would represent this story better. There should be two tables (accidents and diseases). Then each table could be divided by each topic. There would be two columns in each table (topic and number of deaths). 3. The design of the visual is misrepresented in that the cancer and heart disease sections are of the same width. Although, the red and pink colors represent danger, I do not think they should alternate the same two colors. Different shades of pink to red could show the numbers getting higher. 4. The histogram with the people could be removed. Digits representing the numbers of deaths is all that should be shown. Who really is going to count each person? 5. The total should read a closer figure such as 2,450,000 since the actual count is 2,448,228. The figure should show the year of the survey, since I know from the news that people have died from the bird flu and mad cow disease. (Pandemic101, 2011) and (Mehta,
Despite having different views on the topic, each essay holds an alike form to one another. Didion tires to evoke emotion from the audience by putting statistical facts of deaths that
The Pyramids Of Giza were chosen as they are three extraordinary structures that give a rich insight into the context, culture, function, technology, power and experiential aspects of the time period and the buildings themselves. The three pyramids showcase the Egyptian’s advanced construction and design methods, their religious beliefs and practices, their rich and diverse culture, the power of the king, as well as the context that surrounded these magnificent structures.
Print. The. Student Achievement Ser. 2. What is the difference between a.. Hooker, Richard.
“Stat Wars” is the title of Chapter 5, and it describes the process of conflicts over such social statistics. There are debates over particular numbers, data collection, and statistics and hot-button issues. Knowing the causes of bad statistics outlined in Chapter Two will help readers in such stat wars.
The Good Food Revolution by Will Allen is about creating a healthy and safe community. It describes the process of growing fresh food in an urban environment, and also how doing so can be used to improve a community. It also describes the blessings and hardships of life as an an urban farmer.
I will be the first to admit that I found Case Study 2 confusing. There were several things that I do not feel were taught - like the risk for comorbid conditions or another MI. That being said, my results may be different from the other students.
What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? The solutions to these problems are qualitative and not quantitative so they are not classified as true or false but as good or bad. 4. What is the difference between a.. The solution to these problems cannot be verified through time for its effects.
This source is also describing how the pyramid looks like. It would support my speech by providing me with visual aid in order to for me to describe the exterior of the pyramid. Yes, it is a credible source.
The goal of this visual is to make people more aware of how these crimes and these people and the children it 's happening too. The image is of a beautiful woman wearing baby clothing crawling on all fours playing with children 's toys. At the top of the visual are the words "Some people look at a
The features of this text type include pictures, colour, and bold eye catching text. Cartoons can have captions and often contain symbolism. This particular cartoon uses a simple, coloured, drawn picture and basic text to draw the audiences attention, symbolism is also utilised with the use of the manacles and boulder. Therefore just by viewing this cartoon it is clear and easy to identify what text type has been used.
According to my food pyramid, I live healthily. In fact, I could be a bit healthier, but for now, I’m content. Comparing my pyramid to the USDA’s food pyramid, I could eat a bit of protein or meats. Inside my food schedule, don’t have a lot of grains and could consume extra fruits and veggies. Other than food, there’s not much need for improvement, besides exercising and using weighing pads often to be sure I’m keeping up. Another figure I could arrange is to compare my health to the health of other kids and find out where I stand. Instead, of eating fast food, I could keep track of how much I eat and calculate from there numerous home-cooked foods and fit those into my calorie intake. Right now, my calorie intake is 450-580. If I eat fast
The core argument that this visual is exemplifying is the controversial issue that smoking cigarettes does not only cause destruction to your body, it as well causes harm to the innocent children that are in the presence of the smoke. The image conveys a story of a young girl with a smoke halo suggesting that death awaits her due to the second hand smoke from her parents. The graphic also includes a small text reading, “Children of parents who smoke, get to heaven earlier.” This simple yet short message evokes a strong emotion of sadness and worry into the audience as smoking is such a great concern due to the
Some things I think you should add is some emotion, it would appeal the people more if there was someone showing some emotion while they were sick.
It is believed that the shape of the pyramid was an important religious statement. Some scholars believe that this is true while others still debate the possibilities. We can assume that the Egyptians were trying to symbolize the slanting rays of the sun. It is also believed that the sloping sides on the pyramid were intended to help the soul of the king climb to the sky and join the gods.