An Explication Of Connie Wanek's 'Amaryllis'

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Bulb to Blossom: An Explication of Connie Wanek’s “Amaryllis” Amaryllis by Connie Wanek is a strong literary poem capturing the resilience and beauty of a flower throughout its journey in life. The seed planted in the ground has grown and become something that serves a purpose. Although the process is important, the amaryllis now serves a small purpose for a huge perspective on one's life. The poem has a wonderful structure, using each stanza as a storyline into the journey of the flower. The poem has a beautiful use of stanzaic symmetry, allowing the poem to have a free flowing aspect, thus maintaining consistency throughout. The poem structure provides the feeling of the flower growing. How each part of the process is equal and important, thus the use of stanzaic symmetry. This poem doesn’t use any …show more content…

The second interpretation of this line is that the flower is also a metaphor for bringing beauty into a bland environment. Looking into the second stanza, the author is still using figurative language in order to allow the reader to more deeply understand the poem. “Stuck out its green tongue” (l. 8). When she talks about how the onion is sticking out its green tongue, she is metaphorically referring to the stem of the flower that will sprout. Using this type of figurative language in the poem strengthens the reader's engagement. Adding this creates an image in the reader's mind which will allow the reader to make connections and connect with the poem on a more emotional level. She allows the reader to connect early in the second stanza, this is important because there are only 4 stanzas so by making early use of figurative language it boosts the overall message and meaning of the poem. In the third stanza, we see a shift from what the reader thinks to something completely

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