Essay On Lee's Eating Alone

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“Lee’s Eating Alone” written by Daniel Moeser, is a short but descriptive article that highlights thee poem “Eating Alone” and it’s message of what happens to family members after one passes away. I agree with what Moeser presents as points in Li-Young Lee’s “Eating Alone”. The tone, pattern, and how the child reacts when his father dies, play an important role in how the poem is perceived. When I first read the poem, I did get a sense of a dark, cloudy day, kind of gloomy day. However, by the end, I did have a more uplifting feeling afterwards. In the first two lines, the reader is exposed to a cold, rough ground, with the speaker picking the last available onions of the year (Lee, 1-2). The tone of the poem does progress into a much …show more content…

The tone is completely changed; the pattern goes back to focusing on food, but more in depth than the first stanza. In this stanza, we get a glimpse into what the son is cooking. With shrimp and rice, it sounds like a nice meal. Following that is a line that sticks out the most to the reader, “And my own loneliness” (Lee, 22). After mentioning food, the speaker makes it seems like the loneliness is an ingredient in a recipe, without it the recipe would not be the same. The way Lee wrote it makes since in a way. Without the loneliness from not having a parental figure, the son’s future would not have had the same outcome as it did; kind of like when a recipe is missing an ingredient. Moeser did a fine job looking into the patterns that Lee used in his poem, “Eating Alone”. There was some that I noticed when I read the poem, but after reading Moeser’s article, more popped out to me. I like how the article was short, but still covered a lot of information that was in the poem. I also appreciated how Moeser had the poem right before his article. This can give readers a chance to read the poem and article side by side and compare for their selves. It also helps when Moeser is quoting a piece of the poem, you can see the surrounding parts as well very

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