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Study of emotional intelligence
Study of emotional intelligence
Study of emotional intelligence
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Recommended: Study of emotional intelligence
“He did what?” Racing over to the banquet, with proof in hand, I would walk up to the stage just as the degenerate was beginning his acceptance speak and decry his foul deed in front of the audience, his family, and the distinguished panel; at which point his family would turn their back on the cheater, the panel would have the police called, the miscreant arrested, and the award would be handed to me, the rightful winner to the cheers of the audience and the adoration of my family, friends, and fans. While this response would never happen, the fantasy would likely run through my head upon learning that another had won a prestigious award based on plagiarism of my work. The reality would quite likely be different, because at the ripe, young, age of 43, I have dealt with a variety of experiences that have tested both my intelligence and my emotional intelligence. Faced with the difficult situation of a competitor’s theft of my work, significant emotional labor and emotional intelligence would be required, but with a calm, poised, and reasoned response, a positive outcome is probable. When first given the news by a friend, the first challenge is to control the reaction. In my role as a business executive, I frequently find myself in situations where emotional control is required, a customer meeting where a significant deal is lost, or a key relationship is at risk, or an internal meeting where other executives are attempting to take over the organization I serve. Long ago, those kinds of situations would result in outbursts, or at a minimum, in body language that let everyone around know what I thought. Coaching and experience have taught me to stop, listen, and ask questions. The act of curiosity allows time to absorb mea... ... middle of paper ... ... in those moments, when all demeanors flee, when we are most human. Works Cited Barsade, S. G. (2002). The Ripple Effect: Emotional Contagion and Its Influence on Group Behavior. Administrative Science Quarterly, 47(4), 644-675. Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam Books. Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R. E., & McKee, A. (2002). Primal leadership : realizing the power of emotional intelligence. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press. Kinicki, A., & Kreitner, R. (2008). Organizational behavior : key concepts, skills & best practices (3rd ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Lublin, J. S. (2004, March 2, 2004). Surviving the Pressure With a Ready Plan Or, Literally, a Script, The Wall Street Journal Online, pp. 1-3. Retrieved from http://research.uvu.edu/management/mcarthur/Employment help/2Mar04-WSJ-Surviving Job Pressure With a Plan.pdf
McShane, S.L., Olekalns, M. & Travaglione, A. 2013, Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge, Global Insights 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, Sydney.
As a supervisor in the military, I encountered an airman who had all the right qualifications according to the Air Force, but he was not able to complete his contracted term of six years. He survived basic training and a pretty intense two month technical school, but he only lasted two years in the Air Force before he was asked to leave. To work in the Public Affairs career field, he had to score well on the military entrance exam which means he demonstrated the cognitive abilities – a usual predictor of success. However, he was separated from the Air Force because of his poor social skills. This paper will discuss whether the airman's Emotional Intelligence (EI) could have been improved and the importance of a high EI to an organization.
Goleman and Cherniss (2001) postulates that emotional competencies are learned abilities. Social awareness or skill at managing relationships does not guarantee the mastery of the additional learning required to handle a customer adeptly or to resolve a conflict. It only prognosticates that we have the potential to become skilled in these competencies.
Emotions are frequent companions in our lives. They come and go, and constantly change like the weather. They generate powerful chemicals that create positive and negative feelings, which have a powerful effect on leadership. Some emotions can either facilitate leadership, while others can detract from successful leadership. This course, Emotionally Intelligent Leadership, has truly opened my eyes to the affects that emotions have on being an effective leader. Peter Salovey and John Mayer defined emotional intelligence as “the ability to monitor one’s own and other’s feelings and emotions to use the information to guide one’s thinking and actions” (p. 5). This definition in itself states that emotions, whether it be ones own emotions or those of others, is the underlying factor that directs the actions of a leader. Therefore, throughout the progression (advancement) of this course, I have learned the importance of the development of emotional intelligence for being an effective leader, and because of this I plan on developing the capacities that contribute to being an emotionally intelligent leader for my own success, now and in the future.
(2013) separated emotional intelligence into four domains, self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management (pp. 30, 38). These domains are then broken into two competencies. Self-awareness, the understanding of one 's emotions and being clear about one 's purpose, and self-management, the focused drive and emotional self-control, make up the personal competence (pp. 39, 45-46). While social awareness, or empathy and service, and relationship management, the handling of other people 's emotions, make up the social competence (pp. 39, 48, 51). These emotional intelligence competencies are not innate talents, but learned abilities, each of which contribute to making leaders more resonant and effective (p. 38). This is good news for me because I still have much to develop in regards to emotional
Robbins , Stephen P. and Judge, Timothy, A. Organizational Behavior. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Prentice Hall. Pearson Custom Publishing. 2008 Print
Kreitner, R., & Kinicki, A., (2004). Organizational Behavior (6th ed.). New York: McGraw- Hill/Irwin. pp. 406- 441.
Kinicki, A., & Kreitner, R. (2009). Organizational behavior: Key concepts, skills and best practices (customized 4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
I would definitely talk to the people that are running the contest and inform them of situation and the plagiarism that went on. I would then talk to the person that was doing the plagiarizing and let them know of my disapproval as well as let that person know that I had talked to the people running the contest and informed them of the situation. I think that a person with high emotional intelligence would have handled the situation as I did. A person with medium emotional intelligence would have probably done all of the same things but in more of a (“in your face”) confrontational way. A person with low emotional intelligence would have probably just confronted the person doing the plagiarizing in a violent and confrontational way.
Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2011). Organizational behavior (14 ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Osland, J. S., Kolb, D. A., Rubin, I. M., & Turner, M. E. (Eds.). (2007). The organizational behavior: An experiential approach (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
The presentation was aimed towards someone that’s in the business world. This presentation was great for the business students which most of the audience were. The topic of the night was Emotional intelligence and the two parts of the brain. The primitive and cognitive parts, the primitive part is what we use for our first response and cognitive part is what we use to sound more appropriate. The challenged response is the fight or
Theories, approaches and the mindset of employees have changed with the times. Millennials now make up the largest demographic of employees in the workforce and as result the this has changed the dynamics of professional relationships. I grew up an era where the concept of shut up/do as your told and don’t question the system was the norm. Respect was a two-way street and earned not given. Opinions were heard and that may or may not have been the end of it but in today’s society it seems that you have to watch everything you do or say in order to not offend someone. In order to be successful in the work force of the future one must understand Emotional Intelligence. If I do not have my emotions under control as a Leader it could cloud my judgement
Emotional Intelligence is very vital to our social kills and how we react to certain situations. According to (Social Learning Theory: How Close Is Too Close, 2017), emotional intelligence includes elements of social intelligence, self-awareness, and self-regulation of emotions. Our emotional intelligence impacts how we interact with family, friends, and co-workers. People’s emotions are often triggered by situations that they have no control and they begin to feel stressed or hopeless. According to (Hurley, 2002) emotions are automatic responses that are prompted by what occurring in the environment that causes our bodies to react very quickly. In this essay, I will be discussing how we can be “in check” with our emotions, how to manage our
Lawler, E. J., & Thye, S. R. (1999). Bringing emotions into social exchange theory. Annual