An Analysis of Cyber-Bullying in a Multiethnic Sample

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The advancements in modern technology poses a new challenge in today’s youth, affecting not just students but adults and teachers alike in combating what is popularly known as cyber-bullying. Cyber-bullying emerged from the anonymity technology provides bullies, the victims’ would receive repeated taunts, flames, in the form of emails, text messages, messages lefts on the victims’ social networking sites up to exclusion from those media sites.

Goebert, D., Else, I., Matsu, C., Chung-Do, J., and Chang, J.Y., (2011) looked into the effects of cyber bullying on the mental health of ethnic high school students. The independent variables (IVs) of grade, ethnicity, gender, and victims of cyber bullying showed a strong relationship to the use of alcohol and attempted suicide (DV). The study revealed that Asian and Pacific Islanders faced a high level of cyber bullying where Filipinos and Samoans where more likely to be more negatively impacted. In order to combat and prevent cyber bullying multiple approaches musts be used; programs that foster and encourage good relationships and smart use of technology are beneficial in prevention, with this idea being extended in to the school system and in the household.

A survey was conducted in-person, in various high schools located in Hawaii. The 12 part survey consisted of 447 items on the subject of mental health and violence (Goebert et al, 2011). The questions were developed in two phases; in the first phase, they surveyed the area for at risk youths where they also developed the survey questions, second phases, is when the survey was conducted; participants were awarded with $10 or a movie voucher valued at or about the same value.

The (N=881) demographics of the participants surveyed, ...

... middle of paper ... that should gear themselves to the strategies recommended to keep our children safe by developing a supporting and encouraging environment to developing a positive identity within the individual child; rather than having them seek out their own individual means of substance abuse or even suicide.

Works Cited

Goebert, D., Else, I., Matsu, C., Chung-Do, J., and Chang, J.Y., (2011). The Impact of Cyberbullying on Substance Use and Mental Health in a Multiethnic Sample. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 15(8), 1282-1286. DOI: 10.1007/s10995-010-0672-x

James, S.D., (2010). Cyberbullying Likely Factor in Suicide of Massachusetts Teenage Irish Immigrant. Breaking News, Politics, World News, Good Morning America, Exclusive Interviews

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