An Analysis Of Banksy's 'Girl With Balloon'

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“There is always hope,” stands on the gray background of the concrete of the famous Banksy graffiti art. The art chosen is made of spray paint and stencil, on a concrete background. The image is a black and white portrait of a little girl, wind blowing through her hair and dress, holding out her arm towards a red, heart-shaped balloon. On the side of the image is the statement written in what appears to be the dirt and soot on the wall, “There is always hope.” The artwork stands out on the inner-city concrete walls, with the bold of the black and white image of the little girl and the brightness of the red balloon, certainly catching to the eye of parents and children in these inner-cities that have little to no hope. It portrays the message …show more content…

A large portion of his work can be found in busy cities, such as London and New York. His classic mediums consist of concrete city walls, stencils, and spray paint. There aren’t many vetted sources that tell the story of who he is, where he is from, or any substantial information about him. One is only left to assume his passions, which we derive from his art. His piece, “Girl With Balloon,” was meant to be viewed by those who have lost or are losing hope. The city wall that holds this piece of art is not well kept, spray painted in what is likely an area that is impoverished and full of dying hopes and dreams. Banksy’s purpose is found in the eye-catching heart-shaped red balloon that is followed by the portrayed innocence of a young girl reaching towards love and hope, and of course the statement behind it, says it all on it’s own; no matter what the circumstances, don’t give up – don’t lose hope. This image is meant to bring about desire for a new way of living, and certainly the aspect of finding hope. A child will most likely be drawn to the red balloon and portrait of themselves, whereas the adult will be drawn to the saying behind the portrait. Parents will be more inclined to feed their children positivity, potentially go after their own dreams and find their own meaning and remember the words that go along with the picture, whereas children are likely to remember the picture and what it …show more content…

Banksy’s artwork was effective in achieving it’s purpose because of it’s appeal to the heart, and in what is perceived as a dismal area where there is little hope, it most likely affected the view some may have on life, if not for just a moment. Banksy’s “Girl With Balloon” was successful in creating hope in others and delivering its intended argument to its intended audience. There are no possible improvements that could enhance the effectiveness of this image because it is perfect and wonderful the way it is. The image and all of its components have brought together a beautiful message to help inspire those suffering from a lack of hope and inspiration. Even in the darkest of situations, there is always

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