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Key principles underpinning advocacy
Importance of promoting human rights
Importance of promoting human rights
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Human rights abuse exist all over the world. It affects millions of children, women and men every day. These victims endured abuses such like slavery, discrimination, torture and oppression. Amnesty International is an organization who fights for injustice and human rights worldwide. In this ad for the campaign, “Ignore us, Ignore human rights” Amnesty International uses different colors to show humanity. The appeal to fear is used to urge people to speak out for the tortured and oppressed. The appeal to help the helpless is used to move people to feel the need to defend human rights abuse. The appeal to belong is used to show the human need to be part of something, and an impacting image to create awareness of the abused of innocent humans. Human rights abuse is something we can’t ignore. Amnesty International is an organization created by British lawyer Peter Benenson in 1961 to protect the rights of humans worldwide. It has volunteers and activists in over 100 countries in the world and organizations in 68 countries. Some of their achievements include the release of thousands of prisoners for unjust detentions. Their campaigning leading to a law …show more content…
In this ad, the scenery of an innocent man being beaten comes alive and portrays the feelings and worries that he’s feeling. His face expresses pain. He doesn’t have any weapon on him or a way to defense himself. He seems to be a very humble man because of his clothing. The men are part of a military or a group of rebels from a third world country according to their uniforms. They show the injustice many countries live having officers and people from a higher power take advantage of their power and abusing innocents who can’t defend themselves. The standing crowd seems to belong to a first world country for the way they are dressed. This image says a lot about people’s indifference to subjects like human rights abuse in the
The pictures used in the ad, cover many common areas used in political campaigns such as pictures with school children, construction workers, factory worke...
All advertisers want the same thing. They all want to catch your attention. In order to do that, they use three simple techniques called ethos, logos, and pathos. These are the reasons why you feel and think the way you do when certain advertisements come on. The company that made this ad was Band-Aid. Band-Aid has always been in a family’s first aid kit. The technology of Band-Aids’ bandages has evolved over the years to make them better to care for families. Their Band-Aids come in all characters and types. The target audience is children and their parents because the Incredible Hulk was made around the time the parents were kids. The generations today still knows who the Hulk is. It is a print ad of the hulk’s arm,
The video describes how our society may not even care about the product being advertised, but we still read the billboard or watch the commercial. Also mentioned was the use of colors in a commercial, the marketing effects in politics, and even market research obtained by studying different cults. Frontline takes an in-depth look at the multibillion-dollar “persuasion industries” of advertising and how this rhetoric affects everyone. So whether this is in the form of a television commercial or a billboard, pathos, logos, and ethos can be found in all advertisements.
The ad itself appears to be in a military instructional setting. The viewer’s eye is immediately drawn to the central focus of the document; a strong, physically fit African American woman in a combat stance, facilitating the techniques of martial arts. The entire ad is almost devoid of color, using instead, shading and highlighting strategies to draw the eye through the ad in the manner intended. Most of the ad is darkly shaded and blurred, lighter shades are used in the backdrop directly behind the woman highlighting her as the standout and the most important feature of the advertisement. Looking further, the viewer sees a group of Marines surrounding and beneath the woman focusing upward, as if she is on a stage giving a demonstration. Whereas the female is clearly outlined and visible, the surrounding men are darkened, almost blurry. She is obviously the boss here.
People, including children, are still being forced to work to death, innocent civilians are still suffering the consequences of war, and families are struggling to stay firm together. Despite the efforts of the people, IGOs, and NGOs, in the year 2100, human rights abuse will not end. All around the world people and countries are continuing the efforts to end Human Rights Violations. Human rights violations are a big problem in the world today.
The way the photo was taken only showing the people being abused adds hardship. It does not show the policemen who are spraying the hoses, which makes them seem even more evil and more like the bad guys. This gives the effect of a faceless foe and adds to the drama of the picture. This image shows that the protesters were willing to endure pain to get what they desired and deserved. The people in the background wanting to give up and go home, stay and show that they support their cause and are willing to fight for what they believe in. The man holding the woman shows the power and pain endured during the protest. They show that they are determined to get what they believe but also are being unfairly harassed.
The Human Rights Watch is an independent organization that is working to defend and protect human right. Our mission statement is to “scrupulously investigate abuses, expose the facts widely, and pressure those with power to respect rights and secure justice. Human Rights Watch is an independent, international organization that works as part of a vibrant movement to uphold human dignity and advance the cause of human rights for all.” (“Human Rights Watch,” 2014).
Human Rights Watch investigates and reports on Human Rights violations throughout the world, it can be broken into regions: Africa Watch, Americas Watch, Asia Watch, and Middle East and North Africa Division. As a bibliographical note indicates in the online Archival Collections at Columbia University, "Issues raised by HRW include social and gender discrimination, torture, military use of children, political corruption, and abuses in criminal justice systems, and violations of humanitarian and international law."2
Lyon, A., & Olson, L. C. (2011). Special Issue on Human Rights Rhetoric: Traditions of Testifying and Witnessing. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 41(3), 203-212.
One of the key International Organizations that work on behalf of Human right issues is Amnesty International. It is a global nongovernmental organization that is campaigning for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all. It is independent of any political ideology, economic interest or religion. The primary mission of the organization is to investigate and expose the facts, whenever and wherever abuses happen, lobby governments, and other powerful groups such as companies, Making sure they keep their promises and respect international law, By telling the powerful stories of the people we
The advertisement portraits children baring horrible facial bruises and cuts. some children look as if they have a broken nose, while others with severe looking bruised eyes. The ad has a caption that illustrates the relationship to their mother 's features.
The photo is part of a series of ads created by U.N. Women, the United Nations
Human rights are essential entitlements of all persons and the method to end unnecessary suffering. In the Charter of the United Nations, signed in 1945, the term ‘human rights’ was mentioned seven times. The United Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR) was adopted by the General Assembly on December 10, 1948 and is also celebrated as International Human Rights Day. Its key purpose is focused on promoting and protecting human rights. This declaration affirmed the commitments of member states to respect a wide range of human rights. The UNDHR aims to bring human rights into the spotlight of international law. All members adopted the declaration as a common standard of achievement for all people and countries. The foundation of international human
In many clothing advertisements, particularly jeans and lingerie ads, women are used as the main subjects to entice the viewer to notice the ad and most importantly, be excited about the product. In one photo, Calvin Klein Jeans promotes its clothing through what seems to be unwilling, reluctant sexual activity – rape. The advertisement displays the woman resisting the man with the palm of her right hand, and she is pulling her shirt down to cover her stomach with her left hand; yet he is still pursuing her and attempting to remove her top. Her body language and gaze – devoid of emotion – reveal that she is not interes...
It is an organization that works to protect human rights on an international level, regardless of the race, gender, or social or economic status of the individual needing their protection. If humans as a species are to survive and prosper on a global level, we need to foster a world that protects and nourishes individual rights. Amnesty International is already working toward this goal.