America's Moral Decline

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America's Moral Decline

One of the most pressing problems facing America today is our moral crisis. This problem is one that is related to many other social dilemmas. It has a correlation to our rising crime rate, drug usage, and a trend towards sexual irresponsibility. It is imminent for Americans to find a cure for this moral disease lest we are bound for chaos. In order to solve this problem we must first, as with any problem, determine the causes. One of the causes is the overall tolerance of things that are immoral. Immorality can be defined as anything that deteriorates the decency, honorable or artistic merit, and overall purity of things. Today our society is one that accepts this trait. Tolerance of music and television that is morally questionable and an overall acceptance of a growing trend of sexual irresponsibility. That cause is the one that is possibly the most challenging one to remedy. The antidote includes a change of the current American attitude towards immorality. Another cause is the decline of the American family. The way to rid ourselves of this causing factor is to promote a more traditional family and encourage sexual responsibility. A third source of the destruction of America’s moral base is the media, It is becoming a crude exhibit of America’s worst ethics. The remedy for this component of the problem is to more strictly regulate and censor the media.

That attitude Americans used to embrace was one that promoted strong morals. Racy material was a rarity, but more importantly an attitude of acceptance of this material was even more scarce. Comedians on television did not rely on obscene language and movies did not rely on graphic sexual content for an audience. The media has...

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...tally, we must change or attitudes. Now we possess a tolerance of things immoral. Even if we are not immoral people we are accepting things that we know are. We play into the hands of the chaos this deviance brings about when we accept what damages us. The moral thread of our society is one that holds together civility and the refinement of our culture. We must take better care of this thread else we shall suffer from the wounds that a lack of moral integrity can leave. Challenge yourself to start changing your attitude from one of injurious tolerance, to one of an idealistic quest for improvement.

Works Cited

Slouching Towards Gomorrah, Robert Bork, Harper Collins Publishers, Inc. 1996.

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire, Tony Bouza, Plenum Publishing company. 1996.

The Nature of Morality, Arnold W. Green, University Press of America, Inc. 1994.

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