American Old West Myths

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In the American old west myths,legends,and fairy tales are all highly exaggerated and hard to find real ones,but some you read are true. The American Old West was a brutal environment that can very easily be considered the deadliest of the world due to its environments that it suits some but in total this world is where the Myths,Legends,and Fairy tales come from there for some are fake but some are real.Ex-Billy the kid. The Religion that the old west was known for was the Catholic religion that they would and still do believe in jesus and god but Myths that come from this culture are mostly false some are true such as the moth man and his ways of praying on the weak.As well as the traditions in this place were harsh and brutal. Gives the …show more content…

Because it explains the most significant problems to explain deeper and also it is important to have because it is the purpose of which the hero embarks on to insure that his story is true or fake and will never change from his course or her. Because it is what defines the hero and what problems he'll face in his journey. Hansel and Gretel,witches,indians and William Bonney. Because i chose this segment because it best fits me an the journey that the heroes or protagonists faced were great examples of what i was telling. It gives distinct information to what the reader wants to know or need an the words that some writers use can inform very …show more content…

They were all religious and they all had to do with war and catastrophe. Everything that the old west was known for was presented this presentation.

They will receive the present history as well as the past history from us and that will drive them to make better decisions to help their religion and there american history better.
Games, Steve Jackson. "Legends of the Old West." Ann Dupuis, 1991. Web. 08
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Wong, David, Tristan Cooper, David Decker, Joe Oliveto, Ben Denny, Justin Crockett, and Chris
Radomile. "5 Ridiculous Myths Everyone Believes About the Wild West." Ann, 1997. Web. 08 May 2017.
Cultural Research User, Super. "Home of the Wild West." The Wild West. The Western Indian, 2012. Web. 08 May

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