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Gender wage gap and inequality
How the american dream effects
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The reputation of the American Dream, the national ethos of the United States, the setting of freedom towards equal opportunities an prosperity, develope as the impressive concept of America in foreigners' minds. However, by contrast, the realistic American Dream in the United States weaken in the society. The idea of equal competition ad opportunity, seems less likely possible. The social policies and subconsciousness towards race and gender discrimination provide undetected differences in specific aspects. The struggles of different social class and background, such as early education and family income, cause the unfair condition for the youth. The dream of equality unfortunately turns hazy. The diversity and equality developed into one …show more content…
of the most well-known representatives of American culture. However, in the American Dream, the discrimination base on race exist in the contemporary competition . For instance, in the early education, the racial harassments take place on any ages from preschool through college. It refers to any harassment of students based on race, color, or national origin the race discrimination by teachers, administrators, other staff members, or other students. Teachers evolve with discrimination by punishing a particular group of students more harshly due to their minority identity . Such situation seems especially common among African American and Latino students, particularly those in high school. Other teacher-related discrimination, possibly range from unfair grading to acceptance of discriminatory behavior from other students in class. Moreover, in social workplaces, race were regarded as qualifications in certain jobs in modern employment. Immigrants and African Americans experience the stiffest resistance in their attempts to obtain fair and nondiscriminatory treatment in careers. Outward discrimination, false and negative stereotypes and subconsciousness trends generally impose the ability of African Americans to obtain fair treatment in hiring, evaluations, promotions, and other aspects of employment. Limiting the range of development of immigrants and African Americans from the early education to their public welfare, including employment, careers,and health care. Even the phenomenon could lessen,however, the entire society system still have a long path to eliminate such disadvantages and injustice. In addition, the attitude of the American Dream towards gender acts partial to male.
As the social system behaves parsimonious to the female group, the gender discrimination distinguished prominently. To be more specific, for the political participation in the United States, according to the report, eighteen percent of congressional seats are held by female and twenty- three of statewide elective offices are held by female officers, which has decreased from the report of 2001. As the "sociological and societal norm discourages women from running", women act less active in political leadership and activities. More commonly, in different workplace employment, since women are less likely to receive levels of appointments and offer of academic positions, it's harder for women to receive a job offer with the comparison to equally qualified male. By contrast, many argue that American female citizens entitle equal rights as the male citizens, which strongly certify that the equal treatment toward genders. However, practically, with regards of the payment gap in the United States, the payment that women earned are nineteen percent less than the male employees. Caused by the replacement of larger percentages of both high-paying and low-paying jobs , the wage inequality kept increasing since 1980s. As the unfair results in education, careers, and politics, women earn less opportunities under the
society. Nevertheless, the attitude of the American Dream towards gender acts partial to male. As the social system behaves parsimonious to the female group, the gender discrimination distinguished prominently. To be more specific, for the political participation in the United States, according to the report, eighteen percent of congressional seats are held by female and twenty- three of statewide elective offices are held by female officers, which has decreased from the report of 2001. As the "sociological and societal norm discourages women from running", women act less active in political leadership and activities. More commonly, in different workplace employment, since women are less likely to receive levels of appointments and offer of academic positions, it's harder for women to receive a job offer with the comparison to equally qualified male. By contrast, many argue that American female citizens entitle equal rights as the male citizens, which strongly certify that the equal treatment toward genders. However, practically, with regards of the payment gap in the United States, the payment that women earned are nineteen percent less than the male employees. Caused by the replacement of larger percentages of both high-paying and low-paying jobs , the wage inequality kept increasing since 1980s. As the unfair results in education, careers, and politics, women earn less opportunities under the society.
This was true in the 1940’s, and it’s still a relevant issue today. Then, it was rare for women to earn even slightly more than fifty cents to every man’s dollar. Now, the average woman earns anywhere from sixty to eighty percent of a man’s salary for the exact same job. Ranges vary depending on the specific career field. However, women of minorities remain stuck in injustice, systematic trends.
America has always seen as the symbolic ideal country of prosperity and equality. This is the reason why people come to America hoping to become successful, but in matter of fact we all have an equal plan field to be successful is not entirely true. For there are social boundaries that keep use limited based upon our own status. Whether we are born of a low class or of a high class the possibility of economic mobility in a sense are predetermined by two factors of social class and success together they both affecting one’s another opportunity of success. In order to achieve success, we must know that it is made up of two main concepts and they are fortune and position.
America has always been a land of hope and possibilities. People coming from around the world has once carried the American Dream settling in America imagining they all would have the equal opportunity to achieve success as well as prosperity through determination and hard work. However, in times of economic crisis and situation where racial relationship was tensed portrayed on films like “Who Killed Vincent Chin” and “Rising Sun”, the ides of American Dream seems to differ among by different individuals and families.
In the workplace environment it is a known fact that women are passed over for higher positions that would allow them to earn higher wages. Author of “Workplace Gender Discrimination and the Implicit Association Test" Jo- Ann Kadola stated, “Women earn 18 % less per hour than men working the same job, with the same title, with the same credentials even when a woman has a higher education.” (Kadola23) This is known as the gender gap, it happens in all occupations whether in management, directors or any high level position. Overall men and women never earn the same pay for the same job. This is known to be a worldwide fact. On every job women are always asked to prove or provide credentials for a job that men are able to obtain without proof. Kadola also stated, “Women have to show skills more often, they are required to take or be more responsible than men.” (Kadola24) Men are generally respected more. Their opinions hold more value. Men tend to have more freedom in making decisions. When it comes to merit raises they will receive a higher percentage based on the fact that they are men. When women enter the workplace it is a perceived notion that she will get married and start a family. Therefore a working mother is looked down upon based on the fact she is no staying home caring
However, that does not mean that inequalities no longer exist between the two genders, the pay gap between men and women is one of the larger gender inequalities seen today. According to an article “ Explaining the Pay Disparity Between Women and Men in Similar Jobs” the authors state that, “ equal pay ranked higher than health care, family and medical leave, pensions and social security for most important legislative issues” (Hessaramiri,Kleiner 3). People want something done about this injustice and are looking towards the government to intervene. The Equal Pay Act is one of these interventions put in place to make employees under the same profession paychecks’ equal no matter the gender. After forty years though, the Equal Pay Act has done little to stop the pay gap from continuing. Hessaramiri and Kleiner inform us that, “ According to the Monthly Labor Review, the weekly earnings of women were lower than that of men for full time employees across all broad occupational categories” (4). Most of the time these employees suffering from the pay gap do not even realize that they are being
The American Dream is the belief that anybody can achieve anything in life. America is known as the country of opportunity regardless of race, gender or nationality. The land of opportunity and equality rights and liberty. The American Dream is to be successful no matter what social class an individual belongs to. The opportunity for upward mobility through hard work leads to a successful life. Individuals in society often strive to obtain many resources that are important. The structure of the economy is typically related to education, occupation, housing, and health care which are not distributed equally to enable an individual to achieve equal opportunity some will have to go through hardship in order to obtain it. The lack of social mobility makes the
The American dream is a slowly fading dream that seems to be escaping all the lower classes of American society. The American dream still exists if we examine correctly. The dilemma with American dream is that it has become so much harder to fulfill. Social inequality along with a lack of social mobility have negated the ability to accomplish this. As time has passed, the gap between the rich and poor has become larger and larger. Hence social equality has grown overtime. This would not be as consequential of a problem for the American dream if social mobility had stayed the same. Social mobility has decreased with time as well. Social mobility is the ability to move from one social class to another. Sociologically speaking, the American Dream
The American Dream, as defined by the Cambridge Dictionary, is the belief that everyone in the United States of America has the chance to be successful and happy if they work hard enough. This idea is one of the major reason why America is the place most people from all over the world want to travel to in order to pursue the American Dream. The American Beauty is a movie that tells a story of what it takes to pursue the American Dream. In the movie, many sides of the American Dream were depicted by different characters in different ways but with similar experiences involving the cost and challenges of pursuing success. Jane is a young lady in the movie who suffered from a dysfunctional family. The lack of love in her home, which was due to her parents’ drive for success, did not only make her an unhappy girl but also led her into seeking love and attention in the hands of a drug dealer.
The American Dream is the idea that everyone is able to prosper and achieve success through a system of equality and hard work. The American Dream is very attainable; at least that is what America would like the general public to believe. America has built this image of a promise land filled with unlimited resources and endless opportunities, which portrays an equal society where almost everyone is guaranteed to succeed. In reality this American Dream promoted by America is a lie for many Americans. For average Americans it is possible to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps”, work hard, and achieve the American Dream but only to a small extent because of the inequality in America which is attributed to America’s systems of socioeconomic
However, with regard to women and electoral politics, there was not a huge change accomplishments of women until the 1960s and onward (Anderson 1, 1996). Today there is a record number of women in congress, with 20 serving in the Senate and 82 serving in the House of Representatives, which is still below 25% of members of the government (CAWP 2014). Women are underrepresented and less likely to be involved with or run for local or national levels of government. A popular belief, while unproven, is that women are less likely to run because they are concerned about their family responsibility (Fang 2014). Women are less likely to seek government positions because women are less likely to be encouraged to seek government positions, and are therefore less likely to be seen as a candidate for an open government position. Despite this, a Gallup poll in 2014 showed that 63 percent of Americans say that the U.S. would be more well governed if there were more political leaders who are women. So while women need to be more involved in political affairs to reduce the wage gap, the barrier isn 't that women are not wanted in office, nor that they are too focused on their families, but instead that there is very little encouragment for women to enter the political arena at
Millions of immigrant moved to America in search of freedom, equality, and success. This is known as the “American Dream”. A famous author names James Truslow Adams stated, “Life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement” (The Epic of America p.214-15). In other words, he believes that the American dream gives everyone the opportunity to reach an ideal place where you can be happy and successful; you can get there from your ability and achievement as stated above. The American dream made immigrants believe that they have a chance of receive equal opportunity, but when they got here they realize that it was a myth. Whiling living in American they realize that they were limited on education, voting rights, and jobs opportunity.
This generation of American teenagers and young adults have the greatest advantage in the history of humankind when to comes to advances in technology, science, and every other field of study. Yet, today’s youth of America is facing obstacles that past generations did not have to deal with. According to Josh Mitchell, a reporter for The Wall Street Journal, student loan debt has surpassed one trillion dollars with two-thirds of college students graduating with over thirty-five thousand dollars of debt each. Competition for jobs has made it progressively harder to find a stable job and make a living. According to Hardin’s metaphor of the world being a lifeboat, it is increasingly difficult for people who are not on the lifeboat to find away
The American Dream is said to obtain opportunity, freedom, and happiness. The American Dream is the ability to come to the United States with nothing and be able to find a job, move up in status, and become rich and provide for your family. This thought process is still very alive to immigrants coming to the United States for better opportunities but for Americans they have given up on the dream. From living in the United States they have been immurced in the discrimination, lack of job opportunities, and increasing immigration laws. Americans have become comfortable with where they are and are not willing to take chances such as using all of their savings to start a business. Is the American Dream still attainable with the restrictions or
In the workplace, women do not receive the same benefits that men do. Some women do the same job, for the same amount of hours, and still do not receive the same pay for their work. Is there a specific reason behind this? No, it is just one of the many inequalities that goes on on the job. As pointed out in the essay by Susan Faludi, Blame it on Feminism, women earn less. The average women’s paycheck is twenty percent less than their male counterparts. Men with only high school education’s make more than some women who have graduated college. Most women are still working the traditional “female” jobs: secretaries, teachers, and nurses for example. Construction work, engineering, and doctor’s, are considered “out of our reach” and men’s jobs. Women are very capable of doing these jobs, but most times when applying for a “man’s job” are not taken seriously. American women are more likely not to receive health insurance and twice as likely not to draw pension then American men. They face the biggest gender-biased pay gap in the world.
Women were always in a low position in U.S history compared to men. Due to the pay gap between men and women, it must make women lose status in the future. The gap will be haunted by people’s hearts, which allow some terrible ideas about unfairness existing in people’s minds. Let us supposed a woman, she works very hard and spends a great deal of time working, but her salary is still lower than men. Because of this, her motivation on working will be lost. Additionally, the population of men and women is equal. In this respect, we cannot bear the gender pay gap. In short, the gender pay gap has some shortcomings either.