American Core Values

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It’s ironic, two days after celebrating Independence Day, I’m writing about America, American core values, and what being an American means to me. I can tell you, I believe that the United States of America is the greatest country on Earth. America is the land of opportunity for everyone; although those opportunities may not show up on our doorsteps, they are out there and can be reality by sweat, hard work, and determination. To me, America means pride, patriotism, unity, equality, powerful, leader, and opportunity. I appreciate the hard work and sacrifices of so many that we may live in a country where we are free to choose how we live our lives. Foundation is defined as “an underlying basis or principle for something”. Our forefathers …show more content…

Kennedy’s inauguration speech of 1961, I still find his words relevant on most subjects, but not all. Kennedy states “to those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge, but a request, that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction”. I understand that his statement was directed at the Soviet Union concerning Nuclear War, but today we are battling a new war. A war were peaceful negotiations are not possible. Radical Islamic Terrorist, referred to as ISIL, waged this war and the United States and our allies must end it. These cowards prey on the innocent while using their own women and children for destruction. We’ve already seen casualties in the United States as a result of this wickedness. We must untie the hands of our military and allow them to address the issue. ISIL is a hard target to identify due to they are like a cancer; they start in small spots and then they spread. I cannot remember the last time I cut on the TV and did not see a news program reporting on a suicide bomber or innocent lives being loss at the hands of these murderers. It’s a sad day in the United States when you go to the movies or the mall and you are suspicious about people you see. You sit in the back of the theater because you don’t want people behind you that you can’t keep an eye on. Call me paranoid, but this is the day we live in. When we have this fear in our heads, they are winning. The time to act is now; we must end this threat before it reaches us again at

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