America The Dominant Essay

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America the Dominant The term “Americanization” can both help with the understanding of the processes behind it, but also could be misleading in many ways. The word might point towards focusing on the actual nation of America too specifically. Most explanations of Americanization can be explained using examples from the United States.
Americanization is more easily explained when broken down into four different processes, and those too can have a confusing effect because of their titles. Clearly, McDonaldization is from McDonalds an American based restaurant. Globalization can be inferred from the global impact America has had within the media and entertainment industry as well as Americas military presence around the globe. Cultural Appropriation can be seen all over the United States where many take advantage of the “flashy” and “hot” styles of certain cultures without facing any responsibility or consequences that come with them. Cultural Imperialism is something that has affected a worldwide impact, because everyone has been subjugated to American adverts and products. In this way the term “Americanization” can be helpful, because when explaining the process of it you can easily see the correlating ideas. …show more content…

The effects of using the term “Americanization” have the potential to confuse and mislead those who are looking for clarity in the title. McDonaldization for example is in essence a cutthroat business plan that cuts out traditional quality handmade goods for efficiency. This has been adapted into many non-American businesses. For instance, Costa coffee uses the same franchise business model as Starbucks. The same way that Kia uses the same assembly line as Henry Ford pioneered in the early nineteen

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