America Becoming a Godless Culture

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America Becoming a Godless Culture

Many people believe the United States is becoming a "Godless" culture. The argument is that we are losing our moral values, because religion is not an important part of our life anymore. This is the view of most Fundamentalist Christians and right wing believers. I vehemently disagree with this argument. I say this because there are many ways to practice religion. We have many ethnic populations in our country with many different religions. Because of this, there are many beliefs that differ from the Christian based or religions of only one god. Therefore, our country is not becoming Godless, there are many ways to practice one's faith.

Many people believe the United States is becoming a godless culture. There is more violent crime, underage sex, immoral sex and more divorces in our country then ever before in history. Divorce happens in 50% of marriages, gays and lesbians are seeking marriage rights, there is sex education and encouragement to use condoms for younger people and HIV is rampant. All these sins and abominations are caus...

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