Alzheimer's Realization: A Short Story

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A Realization The look of emptiness and grief on his face was heartbreaking. It was a hot, sunny summer’s day and it was my younger brother and me at my great grandmothers’ house. My great grandma was taken care of by my grandmother. She had Alzheimer’s disease and has had to use a wheelchair for as long as I had known her. However, I didn’t know her, not very well at least. Once in a while, she would say a few words or so, but she was hardly able to speak as a result of Alzheimer’s. My brother and I would stay with my grandma almost every other day when our parents went out of town or anything like that. For that reason, we went to my great grandmother’s house a lot since she had to take care of her. Around this time it was the year …show more content…

I didn’t think much of it but soon he lowered the phone slowly and pressed the end button. He moped over back to his chair and stared off for a moment. Eventually, my mother asked what the matter was. It took him a minute to reply but he told us the news that he had just received. He told us that our great-grandmother had passed away. We all just sat there for a moment in silence. He said that she had passed away that night and didn’t wake back up. We all knew that it would be soon but the thought of it actually happening never crossed any of our minds. Rather than sadness, I felt more of confusion because even though I hadn’t known her very well, I had never experienced a death with anyone I even knew. So thinking about how she was gone, just like that was unbelievable to me. Soon we decided to go to my grandparents’ house, for “comfort” I guess. I didn’t even think about how they must have felt. She was my grandpa’s mother and my grandma had taken care of her every single day. We opened the creaky door to be welcomed with dreary, empty faces filled with grief and despair. That same day, I saw my grandfather cry for the first and only time until this day. That single moment I think is when I came to a strong realization and maybe even a

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