Alternate History Of Amityville Horror

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The Amityville Horror, written by Jay Anson was without doubt a great piece of American literature. It has inspired many to write bestselling books, and others to create many excellent movies. Perhaps the most surprising thing about The Amityville Horror is its staying power. There are many possible explanations as to why The Amityville Horror was so popular during the 1970’s and it is no surprise that it is still in print today. The most shocking part of this books history is that it was based on a true story. The story behind the story began on November 13, 1974, when six members of an Amityville, New York, family were killed. This was one of America’s most shocking events during 1974. This is one possible explanation of the popularity of this book. America was changing drastically from 1960-1970 and people were beginning to open their minds to new ideas. One cause of people opening their minds to new things could possibly be explained because of the increased rate of drug usage during this time period. Ther can be many explanations as to why The Amityville Horror was so popular, but the two main causes of the high popularity of this film can only be explained because of what was currently going on in America. The two events in history that may have had the largest impact on this book are the creation of the movie, The Exorcist, and the Vietnam War.

In order to fully understand how popular The Amityville Horror was, a brief history of the story and book must be revealed. This book has sold nearly ten million copies from the time it was written in 1977 until present day. This is an extraordinary number and it continues to rise today. According to Benjamin Radford, a film critique, this book has caused the spawning of many different movie versions and has at least seven different spin-offs from the original story. Just a few of these stories have been continued in a series of books by John G. Jones. These are The Amityville Horror Part II (1982), Amityville - The Final Chapter (1985), Amityville - The Evil Escapes (1988) and Amityville - The Horror Returns (1989). In 1991, Amityville - The Nightmare Continues, by Robin Karl, was published. The original movie made nearly $402,500,000 worldwide.

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