All Art Is Useless Analysis

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"All art is useless" (Oscar Wilde). Discuss. “All art is useless” a quote from The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, who believes that art doesn’t need to express anything but itself. This quote significantly highlighted many disagreements towards his point of view. Actually, Art can express in copious ways; such as in design, music, literature, sports and etc. All art has a purpose and the reality of art doesn’t have to exist for itself, nor not necessarily for some external function but as a method to give noticeable forms to the unknown. Art can represent an individual’s inner work of the mind at the time and art is an integral part of what makes us human and makes us aspire and achieve. Art is not just brushstrokes, a proposal, a melody and not just the movement of a body, in fact, it is all of those things. Art can be done with a group of people or just by an invidious. Art can range from professionals to moochers from creators to thinkers. One piece of art can be expressed in many different ways. An example of this is Shakespeare; the famous tragedy of Romeo and Juliet turned from a piece of writing into a playwright then to a performance play and even now every educational system is required to know a famous piece of work and learn from it. Likewise, Leonardo Da Vinci was an Italian Renaissance polymath who used art to express his unforeseen creative …show more content…

Art can be used in the area of science. In the study of Phycology; phycologist likely to use art as medicine to heal patients by calling it art therapy. From the statement that Oscar Wilde made “A work of art is useless as a flower is useless." A flower blossoms for its own joy and we gain a moment of joy by looking at it and there is nothing else.” This notion lapse down the point where art therapy often help patient to reduce their stress, anxiety, depression, mental, emotional feelings, to cure boredom and also encourages creative

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