Art Makes Things Better Essay

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Art Makes Things Better Michaela Kirby ! Art Makes Things Better ! In Ecclesiastes 1:9 it says, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again, there is nothing new under the sun.” King Solomon, the wisest man to have lived, was accurate in this seemingly simple statement. The people of this planet have experienced a myriad of obstacles, painful situations and difficult times. When thinking of these repeated plights people face everyday, the truth of this statement is quite evident. While it can be discouraging to know that others will suffer from what another has already felt, it can also be encouraging. What one has overcome, others may learn from. Sometimes, the best reason for one person to experience a difficult situation is so that they can help others through similar ones. ! Ecclesiastes is relevant in more ways than one. Humans have always used art as an effective mode of communication. Even before verbal and written language were popular modes through which they expressed what they were thinking and feeling, humans were drawing on caves and creating symbols for what they wanted to convey. Thus, it is quite reasonable to suggest that art should be utilized to accomplish the same goals today. ! Look back at the history of the world. Many of the images that come to mind are formed by the works of art. Eras of time have been divided and defined by the changes found and documented in all kinds of art. When speaking about his book, Art as Therapy, Alain de Botton describes the ways in which art has been used as propaganda for theological purposes (depicting Christian scenes, forming statues of gods, etc.). He then described how he thinks art should be used differently. Botton believes that a... ... middle of paper ... ...ividuals to help others find similar positive outcomes. Humans are not meant to be alone and thank goodness for it! The sooner they realize that they are here to help one another, and focus just that, the better. Works Cited Alain De Botton on Art as Therapy. Dir. Alain De Botton. Perf. Alain De Botton. The ! School of Life, 2013. YouTube. "American Art Therapy Association." American Art Therapy Association, 2013. Web. 25 ! Mar. 2014. "Art Therapy." Art Therapy. Artistic Association for Children, n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. ! Malchiodi, Cathy, PhD. "What Is Art Therapy?" Cathy Malchiodi PhD. N.p., 2013. ! Web. 31 Mar. 2014. "Margaret Naumburg." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 30 Mar. 2014. Web. 31 Mar. ! 2014. Tartakovsky, Margarita, M.A. "5 Quick Facts about Art Therapy | World of ! Psychology."Psych Central. Psych Central, 27 Mar. 2014. Web. 31 Mar. 2014.

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