All American Reflection

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This unit, doing work around “All American”, helped me learn or understand more about how other people see it. Not everyone sees it like I do. To others, an “All American person” may be a specific image, but generally people think that it could be all different kinds of people. America isn't a country of one race, it's a country of diversity. Before this unit, I hadn't thought about what is considered “All American”, because I embrace my culture and I consider my family and I “All American people”. We live in America, my siblings and I were born in America, we've always thought about ourselves as “All American”. You could even say that I was blind towards racism, similar to Quinn in All American Boys. Unfortunately, that isn't always ideally what happens. People aren't always thought of “All American” or they feel displaced in society because they think they aren't the “American standards”, this unit taught me a lot and I understand the different viewpoints and learned to acknowledge them. …show more content…

That doesn't take in account of incidents in which microaggressions were said. I've been asked many questions about my race, and sometimes people do create stereotypes about me because of my race. All these incidents, to me, aren't major. I don't heavily take offense to what people say. I know that racism is still a big part of our lives, it's always on the news. But, I've never took into consideration that I'd be one of those victimized by hate crimes or racism itself. Past or present, I've always known and acknowledged racism. I've always know that I was fortunate to have a life in which I live without racism in my life and I knew that other people weren't so

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