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Recommended: Inequality in society
Introduction/Summation: Flawed, contemplative, and challenging are three descriptive words to describe equality, or the lack of it. The lack of equality is a “monster” according to Cohen’s fourth thesis “The Monster Dwells at the Gates of Difference.” Cohen’s fourth thesis explains how differences among people in regards to race, gender, culture, etc. create “monsters” in society, even when people do not want them to exist. According to “Monster Culture (Seven Theses)” by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen: “Monsters are our children. They can be pushed to the farthest margins of geography and discourse, hidden away at the edges of the world and in the forbidden recesses of our mind, but they always return.” This quote means that the monsters society creates …show more content…
are not easy to get rid of and this shows how the differences among people will foster the growth of new and old monsters. Often times the differences, or “monsters”, that are created lead to inequality. Inequality can take many forms, including racism, discrimination, and prejudice. This relates to equality because of the unfairness in society, which prompts people to do "monstrous" things. Ultimately, inequality is a “monster” because it excludes people and equality doesn’t truly exist for everyone. Confirmation: The first reason the lack of equality is a “monster” is because it fosters prejudice thoughts and actions towards others. Society is giving into prejudice when people are not seen as equal because of their race or believes. Prejudice thoughts tend to get passed down from generation to generation, which makes these prejudices harder to get rid of. For example, people of color are still seen as bad, uneducated, inferior, etc. by some due to prejudices. The idea that certain races are better than others come from previous generations and the way society depicts people of color. Even with the same education or qualifications, minorities and anyone seen as “different” are more likely to be considered inferior. According to “Gentrification” by Sherman Alexie: “Who was the most racist in that situation?...Or was it all of us? Passively revealing that, despite our surface friendliness, we didn't really care about one another?” (Alexie 617). This quotes means that without knowing each other on a personal level people judge one another based on stereotypes, which shows prejudices can create “monsters” based on differences among people. Also, “Gentrification” shows that everyone can be prejudice regardless of race. In addition, these prejudices are often incorrect. Moreover, prejudices are often presumptions that can lead to hate and judgement towards people and groups without having a valid reason for doing so. The next reason the lack of equality is a “monster” is because differences among people can cause hate, racism, and discrimination towards others.
People in America are not all seen as equal, and this is especially true when it comes to people of color. According to “Theories and Constructs of Race” by Linda Holtzman and Leon Sharpe: “The continuous racial targeting of people of color and the privileging of whites, along with the misinformation about race passed along from one generation to the next and reinforced through the media, has imbued people of all races with a distorted sense of personal and group identity” (Holtzman and Sharpe 604). This quote means that people of color are often targeted in a negative way, which shows that racism and discrimination is something that can be passed down or learned from the media. Today, there are people who still think minorities are inferior based on the color of their skin. “Theories and Constructs of Race” also mentions how from an early age, minorities become the target for racism, blame, and overall hatred. According to “Theories and Constructs of Race” by Linda Holtzman and Leon Sharpe: “The myth of racial inferiority and superiority has been upheld not only by physical violence and discriminatory policies but also by the psychological violence conveyed through stereotyping and racist messaging” (Holtzman and Sharpe 604). This quote means that minorities are constantly targeted both physically and psychologically, which shows that inequality is a “monster” due to the damage it causes to individuals on multiple levels. Racism can also lead to internalized racism, which causes individuals to adapt a self-deprecating attitude and engage in self-destructive behavior. Furthermore, hate, racism, and discrimination often result from people not understanding that not everyone is offered the same opportunities due to the lack of
equality. The last reason the lack of equality is a “monster” is because it is a myth that everyone has the same opportunities since certain groups come from a place of privilege, giving them an advantage in society. Americans who are also people of color often times are not offered or have access to the same opportunities as white Americans. Some people view minorities as inferior. This view of minorities being inferior is wrong, and it makes it harder for minorities to be treated fairly or as equal in society. According to “How Immigrants Become ‘Other’” by Marcelo M. Suárez-Orozco and Carola Suárez-Orozco: “Second, unauthorized parents were less likely to take advantage of a range of benefits to which their citizen children are entitled” (Suárez-Orozco 672). This quote means that citizen children of immigrants do not receive some of the basic things they should because of their parent’s legal status, which shows that even though they are American, they are at a disadvantage from a young age. Some of the benefits would include health insurance (Medicaid), nutritional programs, and temporary assistance for crisis. The source “How Immigrants Become ‘Other’” also talks about how around a third of these kids live below the poverty line. Due to inequality, racism, and fear, many kids of unauthorized citizens do not get the same basic start as many other citizen kids do. This puts them behind socially, academically, and financially. In the end, the lack of equality that exists only promotes the creation of more monsters in society. Summation: In conclusion, equality can be considered a “monster” because it does not include or exist for everyone. Equality, or the lack of, can foster prejudice thoughts and actions. Prejudices harm society when entire groups of people are judged or treated differently based on presumptions. The lack of equality can also fuel hate, racism, and discrimination towards minorities and specific groups of people. People in America are still being treated unfairly based on things that makes them “different” from was is considered normal. In addition, people who come from a place of privilege have an advantage in society, proving that not everyone has equal opportunities due to the lack of equality. The topic of equality can be described as flawed, contemplative, and challenging. These three words describe equality because it is a difficult topic to discuss and requires a deep understanding in order to help fix the issues it brings. Ultimately, true equality is a myth and inequality is a “monster” society has been unable to get rid of.
Ghettos, low-riders, hip-hop, rap, drugs and crime, it has got to be a Black man right? Saggy pants, unintelligible language, lazy, and the lists continue to both stereotype and describe Blacks. Do Black Americans perpetuate their own discrimination? Are Black Americans creating their own low status in society? Black people around the world have been hypnotized into believing all their failures in life are due to discrimination, but are they correct? Blacks are often their own worst enemies, often the cause of their own disasters, and many don’t see that until it’s too late, if ever. Discrimination and prejudice are imposed upon Blacks, often because the culture they live in is not “acceptable” to the dominant society. On the other hand, an understandable reason for Blacks actions is often due to unattainable opportunities towards the American Dream.
Temporary inequality exists as a means of “improving” a subordinate to the level of a dominant. After the period of inequality is over, the two view each other as equals. The other form of inequality, permanent inequality, exists solely because of an ascription of inferiority to a subordinate that is inherent and unchangeable. Unlike temporary inequality, there is no possibility of improvement for the subordinate; they are, in the eyes of the dominant, inferior and impossible to “fix.” The dominants, who view themselves naturally superior to the subordinates, begin to take advantage of the subordinates. “Out of the total range of human possibilities, the activities most highly valued in any particular culture will tend to be enclosed within the domain of the dominant group; less valued functions are relegated to the subordinates” (Rothenberg, 112). Moreover, the subordinates, who by this point are under the total control of the dominant group, may begin to internalize the value of the dominants. “[Subordinates’] incapacities are ascribed to innate defects or deficiencies of mind or body…More importantly, subordinates themselves can come to find it difficult to believe in their own ability” (112). This theory of domination and subordination are clearly mirrored in race relations in the United States. Whites, who are the dominant group, make all of the fallacious errors involved in race-based thinking; they are prone to, like Miller describes, hoarding superior roles in society and practicing systematic cruelty towards the subordinates due to their sincere belief that the subordinates are inherently incapable of rising to the level of the dominant. This internalized belief on the part of the dominants, that the subordinates
Equality eventually escapes from the place that never felt like home, and runs off with his love, Liberty 5-300, who he calls the Golden One. After learning about the men from the Unmentionable Times, Equality would agree with Ayn Rand’s words in her short essay, “How Does One Lead a Rational Life in an Irrational Society?”, where she not only talks about the importance of having moral judgment, but also about being brainwashed by your leaders and government. Equality can relate because, for his whole life, he was in a society where their version of wrong and right were opposites to what they should have been. Individualism and moral judgement weren't encouraged, they were prevented, and that is where the society became irrational.
Monsters are symbols and representations of a culture. They exist because of certain places or feelings of a time period. Monsters are “an embodiment of a certain cultural moment”. Author of Grendel, John Gardner, and author of Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, both create a monster to represent something larger than itself in order to have the reader reflect on their “fears, desires, anxiety, and fantasy” in society, which is explained in Jefferey Cohen's Monster Culture (Seven Theses). The latest trend in monster media, zombies, also fit into Cohen's theses on what a monster is.
An Analysis of “Alien” through the Lens of Jeffery Cohen’s “Monster Culture” The constraints of normality within today’s society often determine what or who does not fit the designated mold of behavior and character traits. Discrimination towards difference is seen throughout cinema, portraying characters that differ as dangerous and malicious in their actions, unethically predetermining their demeanor despite society’s implementation of provocation and selfish pursuits. Likewise, the antagonist extraterrestrial in “Alien”, by Ridley Scott, is misrepresented as a simple and malicious reptilian, personified as a foreigner in its own territory. The alien does not attack unless hunted first, signified by its feeble attempt to sleep within the
A lack of power is the most notable characteristic of a subordinate group because it’s what separates them from the dominant group. This power held by the dominant group is the result of their history of where they reside and their effect on the world nationally and even globally. The relationship shared between white people (dominant group) and black people (subordinate group) is racism. Specifically, racism built into every level of our society and expressed in the practice of social, political, and economic
Equality is not something we get to have when we come into this world. It is something that is being fought for and will continue to fight for as long as people think of themselves and do not think of the consequences that may occur from their own actions. In the book “Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt” by Chris Hedges and Joe Sacco they narrowed in on what structural violence is. The different examples of injustices that were occurring around the countries. Lastly explains the ways the oppressed used there actions, words, and ideas to fight the injustices. Injustices are all around world many of which still have a lot of control to this day and take a toll on the less able. Allowing large corporations to dictate what will be said and done.
Discrimination has always been there between blacks and whites. Since the 1800s where racial issues and differences started flourishing till today, we can still find people of different colors treated unequally. “[R]acial differences are more in the mind than in the genes. Thus we conclude superiority and inferiority associated with racial differences are often socially constructed to satisfy the socio-political agenda of the dominant group”(Heewon Chang,Timothy Dodd;2001;1).
...equality strains the bonds that hold us together as a society, and until we can find a solution, we will continue down this beaten path of destruction.
Imagine, a reality where one lives in a world where everyone is equal, no one is better than the other. In a way, contradicting of the norms of reality today. Right before one’s eye, one would think it is a reasonably faultless place, a utopia; although, if one begins to look closely at the situation. The individual will begin to uncover something grimmer in this so called utopia, only to find no one should not truly want everything to be equal, abnormally enough. Everything is unquestionably monotone. Innovation is practically out the window, and nothing can be done about it. The characters Harrison Bergeron, the Empress, and Hazel of Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. shows that equality for all is not as noteworthy as it advertises.
“We have learned things which are not in the scripts.. We have solved secrets of which the Scholars have no knowledge (Rande 36).” Equality is finding things out for himself, which has begotten him to question the society he lives in. He begins to wonder about the, Unmentionable Times, which is the point in their society before society was corrupted. At this point Equality is beginning to show his self will and individual
In this world we are constantly being categorized by our race and ethnicity, and for many people it’s hard to look beyond that. Even though in the past many stood up for equality and to stop racism and discrimination, it still occurs. In this nation of freedom and equality, there are still many people who believe that their race is superior to others. These beliefs are the ones that destroy our nation and affect the lives of many. The people affected are not limited by their age group, sex, social status, or by their education level.
Racist and racism are provocative words in American society. To some, they become curse words. They are descriptive words of reality that cannot be denied. Some people believe that race is the primary determinant of human abilities and capacities and behave as if racial differences produce inherent superiorities. People of color are often injured by these judgements and actions whether they are directly or indirectly racist. Just as individuals can act in racist ways, so can institutions. Institutions can be overtly or inherently racist. Institutions can also injure people. The outcome is nonetheless racist, if not intentional (Randall).
Analysis and Criticism of Monsters in Dracula and the “Lady in the House of Love”, based on the Jeffrey Jerome Cohen’s (Monster Culture) Seven Theses.
“As I often say, we have come a long way from the days of slavery, but in 2016, discrimination and inequality still saturate our society in modern ways. Though racism may be less blatant now in many cases, its existence is undeniable.”- Al Sharpton. Discrimination has been around for many generations, but now in modern days, discrimination has played a huge role in our society. Although discrimination isn't as bad as it was in 1964 where it was the time of segregation, discrimination still uses some violence around the world. For example the movement “blacklivesmatter” is a group that is protecting justices and freedom for black people. Discrimination is something that people should not spread because