Alexander The Great: The Timeline Of Alexander The Great

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Timeline of Alexander the Great 356 B.C. - 339 B.C. Born on July 20, 356 B.C. in Pella Macedonia, Alexander the Great, Conqueror of the Persian Empire and King of Macedonia, is one of the most famous men in history and is believed to be one of the ultimate military prodigies of all times (History of Macedonia, 2013). Alexander was the son to King Phillip II of Macedonia, Queen Olympus, and brother to Cleopatra . Alexander seldom saw his father growing up as he was heavily involved in long military crusades. His father was quite successful in transforming Macedonia into a military power, although his absence formed a deep resentment from Alexander (Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2015). When Alexander was 16, King Phillip II gathered a large The Egyptians welcomed him as their savior from Persian control. Alexander had respected the Egyptian customs, religions and people (Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2015). As a result they considered him a God, had founded the city of Alexandria, which became a center of Greek culture and commerce. Later in that year Alexander defeated the Persians at the Battle of Gaugamela, for the third time the Persian army buckled, and Darius fled (History of Macedonia, 2013). Instead of pursuing Darius, Alexander set out to explore and during that time, Alexander became "King of Babylon, King of Asia, and King of the Four Quarters of the World." ( Editors, 2015). He burned down the capitol of the Persian Empire, Persepolis, in order to prevent an Alexander founded the city of Alexandria-Eschate on the Iaxartes River, demolished the city of Cyropolis, and overpowered the Scythians. In 328 B.C. Alexander murdered Callisthenes and Cleitus, Macedonian troops, for plotting against Alexanders life (Grant, 2011). In 327 B.C. Alexander continued Eastward towards Iran, He dominated the area, built cities, and established Macedonians colonies (Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2015). He then siezed the fortress in Ariamazes and apprehended the prince Oxyartes. He then married Oxyartes 's daughter Rhoxana (Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2015). In the summer, Alexander and his men entered India and defeated the armies of King Porus, although alexander allowed Porus to continue as

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