Albert Einstein Essay

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Humans have a natural sense of curiosity. How does this work? Why does that happen? What makes this do that? Among us, there will always be those who strive to find the answers to questions like these and more. One of these people was Albert Einstein, perhaps one of the greatest human minds this world has ever known.
Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, to Hermann and Pauline Einstein, in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany (“Albert Einstein”). Despite being Jewish, Einstein, his parents, and his sister Maja did not observe Jewish practices, and Albert actually attended a Catholic elementary school (“Albert Einstein”). Einstein soon developed a strong love of math and science, even teaching himself Euclidean geometry at the young age of twelve (“Albert Einstein”). In his teenage years, he attended Luitpold Gymnasium, where he frequently clashed with authorities and resented the school regimen, even writing in his later years, “that the spirit of learning and creative thought were lost in strict rote learning” (“Albert Einstein”). Around this time, he wrote his first scientific paper, “The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields” (“Albert Einstein”). In 1895, he dropped out of high school in order to reunite with his family, which had since then relocated to Pavia and left him behind to finish his education (“Albert Einstein”).
After reuniting with his family, he applied to Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, it being one of the only schools that did not require a high school diploma to attend (“Albert Einstein”). Einstein was required to take an entrance exam because of his lack of diploma, which he ended up failing (“Albert Einstein”). He was then sent to a secondary school in Aarau, Switzerland, which he grad...

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... (Albert...Overview)
On April 17, 1955, Albert Einstein died at the age of seventy six, in Princetown, New Jersey, from internal bleeding, triggered by the rupture of an aortic aneurysm. (Albert Einstein) Right before his cremation, Dr. Thomas Stoltz Harvey, a pathologist working at the hospital, curious about what made Einstein just so intelligent, removed his brain from his body without permission, though this was not revealed until twenty years later. (Albert Einstein) Einstein’s ashes were scattered, and so ended the life of one of the world’s brightest human minds.
Even though Albert Einstein’s life ended on that fateful April day, he will live on through the many contributions he has made to theoretical physics. A man of great creativity and perseverance, Einstein never stopped asking, “Why?” Perhaps humanity as a whole should start asking, “Why,” more often.

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