Alfred Stieglitz Equivalent Essay

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The equivalent is a series of photographs based on the work of Alfred Stieglitz from 1922 to the thirties. The Equivalents can is a contrast to traditional pictures of the scenery. His artistic form of capturing images was influenced by his personal experiences, and his interpretation of straight photography, which was fundamental in shaping the style of the series. The series includes 337 silver gelatin prints, printed on postcard stock paper. Art is part of society and plays a critical role in saving beauty, memories, and events. Equivalence has influenced current photographers in how they capture current images indicating its pivotal role in reshaping the photo art.
The equivalent was made past the era of colonization of the US, and at the time New York City was booming during the industrial revolution. Stieglitz pursued his unique form of artwork which was not influenced by the British, but one which …show more content…

Alvin Langdon works of photographs have not received as much recognition in history as the equivalents, yet they were the first to depict abstract photos. The equivalents images showed the rich culture and emotion of the community at the time, through showing the environment through their own eyes (H. Robert 247). Stieglitz wanted to show a degree of transparency in his work and helped in promoting art and photography, through exhibitions and publications. The importance of art is captured in history, during times of war pieces of art were treasured by both the invaders and local communities. Pictures convey human emotion, and preserve the history of society, indicating the things which are cherished. Stieglitz showed the value he had for his surrounding, especially the gorgeous beauty of the natural environment visible across the landscape (E. Anthony and S. Trower

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