Ralph Waldo Emerson Individualism Essay

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Individualism is an important foundation that was a part of the American Renaissance era. Ralph Waldo Emerson, a well known philosopher/poet/lecturer and an adherent of individuality, was a part of a movement called Transcendentalism, a philosophical movement that was a part of the Renaissance era as well. Transcendentalism focused more on the philosophy of idealism and ideas of American thinkers. Emerson’s lectures and books are what made him the most influential member to this group. His vision of what America could become inspired him to encourage all people to value their individualism and understand their uniqueness and importance in the world, just as they were. Emerson's essay on "Self Reliance" still resonates in our society today. Emerson’s view on being self-reliant is something that is important to him and very important to be expressed and apprised. Emerson writes “Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind”. I believe that my thoughts are important to be expressed because they have a purpose as well as societies, but the importance to your thoughts is for them to be unique. Society doesn’t have that ability to think for their own. Having the same thoughts as everyone will leave you unhappy and self-conscious. The principal of self-reliance is the …show more content…

It comes from societies judgements and ‘beliefs’. In Emerson’s words “We but half express ourselves, and are ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents”. We as people tend to put on a facade and don’t always have the potential to be our true self. It is very hard for me to be open and comfortable with myself. I find that it comes from the fear of being judged. Society still puts a lot of pressure on me to be the ideal person, but there’s no real source of happiness that comes from it. Emerson brought this idea to people's attention to explain what living in society’s standards results

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