Aircraft Maintenance Practices

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Aircraft is parked on an airport as soon as it lands for loading and unloading of passengers and other services. Since the pilot cannot estimate the distances from other aircraft or obstructions, there has to be a crew to assist the pilot when parking for security which is carried out via hand signals called marshalling.

Aircraft marshalling is a visual way of ground crew to communicate with the pilot by utilizing bats or lighted wands, depending upon the time either day or night.

Aircraft Marshallers are required to wear bright surcoat or vest to be well distinguished by the pilot. First thing that the Marshallers should do when aircraft has landed, they should let the pilot know that they are the in-charge marshaller, by raising their arms above his head, with palms or bats facing forwards. They must stand somewhere the pilot can visibly observe them and where they can see the entire aircraft without moving backwards. For commercial aircraft, it is best to be seen on the left side of the aircraft. For helicopters, the best position is where they can be seen by the pilot. It is vitally important to take regard that Marshallers must know the proper and appropriate hand and arm signals and the safety control measures based on the Marshalling practical process.

These signals are generally used for all aircraft:

1. Affirmative/All Clear – Extend right arm to head level pointing the wand up or with “thumbs up” while left arm remains at side.

2. Negative – Extend right arm at 90-degree angle to the side pointing the wand down to ground or with “thumbs down” while left arm remains at side.

3. Wingwalker/guide– Raise right hand above head level with wand pointing up; move left-hand wand pointing down toward the body.

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