Against Headphones Summary

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Analyze the claim
• Find the claim
In the article "Against Headphones" author claims that headphones are not safe for teenagers, because " teenagers exhibit what’s known as slight hearing loss," due to loudly sound affecting the ears daily in excessively large amount of time. Thus, teenagers experience hearing lost to "exposure to sound played loudly and regularly through headphones" The author has not explicitly stated the claim in one sentence thus the first second part of the claim can be found in the first paragraph "teenagers exhibit what’s known as slight hearing loss" is what the problem is. Where the second part of the claim tells why teenagers experiencing hearing loss, which can be found din second paragraph, "exposure to sound played loudly and regularly through headphones."
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Some teenagers are not affected by hearing issue due to following safety rules. The claim only affects people who listens to music too loud. The qualifiers "One in five," shows that there are exceptions to author's claim.
• Look for explicit exceptions to the claim
However, headphones are safe too use if teenager uses it properly, for example listening to music on safely volume level and for moderately amount of time. Author as well mentions that headphones are even can be useful and necessary for professional use, like radio workers or sound specialist. The author gives the exception for his claim in the tenth paragraph, "headphones are extremely useful — and necessary for sound professionals, like intelligence and radio workers."
• Summaries (claim) "teenagers exhibit what’s known as slight hearing loss...exposure to sound played loudly and regularly through headphones." (qualifier) "One in five." (exception) " headphones are extremely useful — and necessary for sound professionals, like intelligence and radio

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