African American Women Discrimination Essay

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Arguments/ major topic Sub-Arguments/ sub-topic Support
1 People of color face discrimination in public settings while women often face discrimination in workplaces. Those intersectional discriminations are affecting African American women’s who are compromised by both ethnicity and women social inequalities. a. They face gender discriminations.
b. They face ethnicity discriminations.
c. Both together creates the oblivious of the mixture of both discriminations. Articles
- Verniers and Vala (2018)
- Brondolo et al. (2015)
- Black and Peacock (2011)
- Ted Talk: Kimberlé Crenshaw
2 Due to discriminatory actions, African American women have difficulty to access high-level jobs. a. They feel different and it will lead to isolation.
b. Myths and stereotypes reinforce some ideas that disadvantage African American women for jobs.
c. …show more content…

Vulnerability to anxiety and mood disorders.
b. Discrimination increase stress.
c. Increases blood pressure.
d. Discrimination increases smoking frequency. Study
- American Psychology association (2016)
- Krieger and Sidney (1996)
- Beckwith, Carter, and Peters (2016)
- Brondolo et Al., (2015)
- Black and Peacock (2011)

Argument 1:
- African American experienced most of the time discrimination in public spheres such as restaurants, stores, etc. while women said that they experienced most commonly discrimination in the workplace (McLaughlin, Hatzenbuehler, MPhil & Keyes, 2010, p.1479). Logically, African American women will experience the public spheres and the workplace discrimination at the same level, because they have both conditions.
- African American women are facing the Strong Black Women myth (Black & Peacock, 2011) and some motherhood myths (Verniers et Vala, 2018).
- African American women are often forgotten in history textbooks (Strickland & Weems, 2000, p. 72). In addition, even in todays’ news we talk about the killing of African American men but not the ones of African American women (Ted

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