Affirm Sustainability Leadership

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The highly industrialized and competitive business world today calls for leaders who seek to optimize the use of the finite resources we still have. Hargreaves and Fink (2003) affirm sustainability leadership is important, extensive and lasting. We all share the responsibility of not unduly depleting human or financial resources by avoiding harm to the environment. They stated that "Sustainable leadership has an active engagement with the forces that affect it, and builds an educational environment of organizational diversity that promotes cross-fertilization of good ideas and successful practices in communities of shared learning and development.”
Sustainability leadership is to promote and exercise the correct use of the planet's …show more content…

According to Kotter (1999), the leader is the one who leads a group of people in a certain direction by non-coercive means. Also, Maxwell (1993) affirms that the genuine leader is recognized because somehow his people consistently demonstrate to have a superior performance.
In today's complex business world, taking into account the frequent and rapid changes in the environment, there is a need for leaders who are able to deal with it. The real leader must be much more dynamic and evolutionary, continuously improve their skills, monitor trends, be aware of technology and be willing to change both themselves and the culture in their field of development. A wider concept than the previous ones is given by Patwell (2014), in saying that “a leader is someone who people admire and will follow, who can direct and guide others, and who can make decisions that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.” That is, a good leader serves as inspiration and guide in the whole process that is carried out in order to achieve a certain good for a community. …show more content…

Dernbach (1998) states that “effective governance requires a nation to consider and protect the environment and natural resources on which its current and future development depend. Any other approach is self-defeating. The connections between the environment and development thus provide a powerful rationale for environmental protection: enlightened self-interest.” This illustrates that the inherent interdependence between the long-term stability of the environment and the economic sector is the basis for the study and practice of sustainable development. This illustrates that the inherent interdependence between the long-term stability of the environment and the economic sector is the basis for the study and practice of sustainable development. This illustrates that the inherent interdependence between the long-term stability of the environment and the economic sector is the basis for the study and practice of sustainable development. Factor that the leaders of all the spheres must have clear for the exercise of its functions having as focus the

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