Advantages And Disadvantages Of Solution-Focused Risk Assessment

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Solution-Focused Risk Assessment that is called SFRA is a new method, which is proposed by Finkel in his article in 2011. The definition of SFRA in Finkel’s article (2011) is that risk assessment focused on solutions that can reduce risks rather than focused on problem itself. The most feature of SFRA is that detailed analysis of risk occurs after risk management (find possible solutions and arrayed those solutions). When arrayed solutions, knowledge of scientific and economic must take into consideration. SFRA provided a different and useful idea to rethink of function of risk assessment. Specifically, SFRA is a new way for decision-makers or risk assessors to think about relationship between risk assessment and risk management. The debate …show more content…

Finkel stated that problems and solutions should be considered together. Analyzing problems can help find more solutions and analyzing solutions can help find points where is need more understanding.
Advantages of Solution-Focused Risk Assessment
According to Finkel’s (2011) article, SFRA has three clearly advantages. Firstly, SFRA allow stakeholders give opinions based on their professional knowledge and their preferences to decision-makers. It means that when evaluating solutions, if using SFRA as method, agencies could express their opinions or involve in many areas not only in determined the risk. Secondly, analysis in SFRA is stricter than in the current method. Since, SFRA takes more factors into consideration. For example, costs of solution, benefits of reduce risk, offsetting risks, etc. Thirdly, SFRA is able to deal with uncertainty situations.
Questions about Solution-Focused Risk …show more content…

This view is consistent with Hope in 2011. He stated that when decision-makers or risk managers carry out a detailed analysis of problem, the problem is becoming worse. If agencies do not take timely solutions to control the problem, the problem might make more and more harm on environment and human health. Frequently, analysis of detailed problem is useless and cost consuming. Since the aim of risk assessment is providing sufficient information for decision-makers not providing all information about the problem or risk. It means that decision-makers do not require the irrelevant information. Analyzing those irrelevant information have to spend time and money. No matter information is relevant or not, analyzing information all requires investing human resources and material resources. From cost view, risk assessment require a stop point that means information which already knew is enough for decision-makers to make decision. When risk assessment reaches this point, the process of risk assessment can be stopped. SFRA method agrees that analysis of problems is better in control rather than analysis all detail of problems. However, this essay does agree that assessment does not need to analyze all details of problems. But there are few questions about this stop point. Is there a criterion to

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