Solution-Focused Risk Assessment that is called SFRA is a new method, which is proposed by Finkel in his article in 2011. The definition of SFRA in Finkel’s article (2011) is that risk assessment focused on solutions that can reduce risks rather than focused on problem itself. The most feature of SFRA is that detailed analysis of risk occurs after risk management (find possible solutions and arrayed those solutions). When arrayed solutions, knowledge of scientific and economic must take into consideration. SFRA provided a different and useful idea to rethink of function of risk assessment. Specifically, SFRA is a new way for decision-makers or risk assessors to think about relationship between risk assessment and risk management. The debate …show more content…
Finkel stated that problems and solutions should be considered together. Analyzing problems can help find more solutions and analyzing solutions can help find points where is need more understanding.
Advantages of Solution-Focused Risk Assessment
According to Finkel’s (2011) article, SFRA has three clearly advantages. Firstly, SFRA allow stakeholders give opinions based on their professional knowledge and their preferences to decision-makers. It means that when evaluating solutions, if using SFRA as method, agencies could express their opinions or involve in many areas not only in determined the risk. Secondly, analysis in SFRA is stricter than in the current method. Since, SFRA takes more factors into consideration. For example, costs of solution, benefits of reduce risk, offsetting risks, etc. Thirdly, SFRA is able to deal with uncertainty situations.
Questions about Solution-Focused Risk
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This view is consistent with Hope in 2011. He stated that when decision-makers or risk managers carry out a detailed analysis of problem, the problem is becoming worse. If agencies do not take timely solutions to control the problem, the problem might make more and more harm on environment and human health. Frequently, analysis of detailed problem is useless and cost consuming. Since the aim of risk assessment is providing sufficient information for decision-makers not providing all information about the problem or risk. It means that decision-makers do not require the irrelevant information. Analyzing those irrelevant information have to spend time and money. No matter information is relevant or not, analyzing information all requires investing human resources and material resources. From cost view, risk assessment require a stop point that means information which already knew is enough for decision-makers to make decision. When risk assessment reaches this point, the process of risk assessment can be stopped. SFRA method agrees that analysis of problems is better in control rather than analysis all detail of problems. However, this essay does agree that assessment does not need to analyze all details of problems. But there are few questions about this stop point. Is there a criterion to
Department of health (2007) say that there are 3 types of risk assessment:the unstructured clinical approach, the actuarial approach and the structured clinical approach (DOH 2007). Many Mental health Professionals over the past years have used the unstructured clinical approach to risk assess. This is based on your experience and judgement to assess the risk. However this way has been criticized for not being structured and this then leads to inconsistency and to be unreliable (Turner and Tummy 2008). This approach would not be useful for the case with Julie as she is not known to services and every person is different as you may not have seen her symptoms before if you base the risk assessment on experience.
In thinking about helping someone develop a safety plan in case they find themselves in an intimate partner violence or IPV situation, I turned to a woman I know that is soon to be married. The couple has had some quarrels that verge on verbal abuse off and on for the past year. Although none have resulted in physical violence, learning about intimate partner violence allows me to see aspects of relationships in a different light than I have seen them before. The potential victim with whom I have chosen to facilitate the safety plan does not consider her relationship to be abusive, nor do I. However, the victim, Crissy, could use a plan of action if the verbally abusive fights begin to take a physical nature. This reflection will include the summary of developing the safety plan, the issues the plan brought up, and the emotional reflection of both the victim and myself. It is important to note that all names have been changed for the sake of confidentiality.
Problem solving is the process of following a series of steps to obtain the solution
There are various reasons why risk assessments are put in place. Risk assessments can be used to assess the environments that we work in, the risks staff may be exposed to, the risks to the individual and the risks of the equipment that is in place. Once the risk assessment process has been completed it will help all concerned to thin about ant potential hazards there may be in the situation or activity and the ways risks to the individual others cane be minimized. Taking risks is part of being able to choose and be in control of your life. It is important that concerns about risks do not get in the way of people living their lives in the way they want to. We must ensure we make the individual aware of all risks for them to be able to make their
This involves determining the quantitative and/or qualitative factors to estimate the probability and severity of an undesirable state from occurring. Assessments are made by evaluating time, vicinity, scope, or frequency of exposure to a hazard. Severity should be determined with consideration of impact on personnel, equipment, and operational capability, and an estimate of the probability of the hazard occurring should be determined. From there, a comprehensive risk assessment can be determined and a level of risk assigned in relation to severity and probability.
... recommendation is that better protection should be provided for the management of financial risk. Benkol could use the Net Present Value technique to cover that. Benkol also lacks a proper risk assessment method. Benkol does not use a risk assessment matrix, nor scenario analysis and probability analysis is done by the project manager using subjective assumptions. This can be refined by implementing proper probability analysis and risk assessment matrix.
...o Freire suggests a problem posing type of educational system in which the roles of student and teacher intertwine in which causes the students to be able to communicate and share their ideas and not be oppressed by the system. It is often said that students who are able to express themselves and their ideas become better problem solvers. All in all problem solving education teaches communication and dialogue and helps students express themselves and learn better than those who are repressed by the current educational standard system.
Solving problems is a particular art, like swimming, or skiing, or playing the piano: you can learn it only by imitation and practice…if you wish to learn swimming you have to go in the water, and if you wish to become a problem solver you have to solve problems. -Mathematical Discovery
As the first step, identify potential risks plays a crucial role in the risk management process. The core purpose of identifying risk is to figure out causes of risk and analyze result caused by the risks and its probability . Hence, risk identification can begin with the source of problem, or with the problem itself. The chosen method of identifying risk may depend on culture, industry practice and compliance. The identification
This paper will reflect on the different uses of Project Risk Management and ways in which it can benefit organizations to have the ability to identify potential problems prior to the problem occurring. Risk, this is not something to be taken lightly whilst dealing with matters that include high end projects meeting specific details, deadlines and expectations for the end client. Project risk management teaches one to be aggressive early on in the phases of planning and implementing the tools for a project. This is usually easier as costs are less and the turnaround time to solve the issues at that present moment is beneficial rather than later. The result in a successful project for one’s self and other key people involved in the process is also another requirement. Stakeholder satisfaction is important because the
Critical thinking is an important problem solving tool and the higher you go as leader; the more are the problems to be solved. In his effort to analyze the relationship between critical thinking and problem solving, Paul remarked; “I need to think critically, but I have no problems that I need to solve; that problem solving is a major use of critical thinking and critical thinking is a major tool of problem solving and therefore the two are best treated in conjunction rather than in disjunction2 “
Problem-solving help the students to create their own representation or illustration (De Corte, Vrerschaffel, De Win 1985; Hegarty, Mayer, Monk, 1995; Pape, 2003) based on how they interpret or understand the given problem (Pape, 2003; Van der Schoot, Bakker Arkema, Horsley, Van Lieshout, 2009). Problem-solving also tests their critical thinking skills on how they look for another strategy or ways to solve the problem easier. Problem-solving helps the problem solver to develop characteristics of a good problem solver which includes open-mindedness, optimistic, persistent, not afraid to commit mistakes and systematic person since he is following a certain step in solving the
Risk assessment – The company must also pay attention to risk assessment and not just focus solely on following a set of rules. A risk assessment will provide a more enhanced view of the compliance obligations and helps the organisation to prioritise. This is also a crucial element in terms of due diligence.
A hazard is defined as an activity or object that has the potential to cause harm if contact is made with the person, object or activity (MHS, 1996; Harmse, 2007; HSE, 2006). These hazards in a work place need to be identified and dealt with accordingly to prevent any harm to employees or any individual acquainted to a certain activity or establishment. The key roles and principles of occupational hygiene are Anticipation, Identification, Evaluation and Control (Schoeman and van den Heever, 2014; Harmse, 2008; SAMTRAC, 2012). To practise in accordance to the above principle; a hazard identification and risk assessment needs to be conducted. Anticipation is the foreseeing of the activity
After identifying the risk, next step is to decide how to handle those risk. There are four main strategies that can help to decide what to do with the