Advanced Practice Nursing Essay

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As healthcare reform evolves, advanced practice nurses (APNs) will play essential roles in improving health outcomes of diverse populations. APNs should be able to practice fully of education and training. However, barriers exist that limit the APN practice (Hain & Fleck, 2014). Because of known challenges, APNs must be involved in policy changing and be politically competent to effect change. The author will identify steps to advocate for policy change and identify ways to improve political competence.
Involvement in policy making is essential to influence change. First an APN needs to campaign or contribute to fundraisers to establish a relationship with a legislator. Next hire a lobbyist that will provide information about who to sponsor for legislation as lobbyist are known to having trusting relationships with legislators. Strong arguments must be developed on why physician collaboration needs to be eliminated. For example, the …show more content…

First, the APRN must have strong ties with individuals inside and outside of nursing; individuals must have high regard for the APRN as highly knowledgeable, genuine, and trusting. The APRN should gain knowledge of the of content and policy process. Ensure to seek out individuals with expertise on policy matters to include the opposition’s views. Engage stakeholders to learn about viewpoint on an issue. The engagement can help development strategies against opposing ideas with evidence if needed. Informing and contributing to health policy issues can help the APRN gain public support and catch policymakers attention. Lastly, become a member of a professional nursing organization with similar interest trying to obtain independent practice for APRNs. Having a deep understanding about an issue, along with developed political skills, can make a difference advocating for changes (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy, O’Grady,

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