Adult Learning Principles

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A comprehensive understanding of adult learning principles is critical to developing successful education programs that result in participant engagement and the facilitation of learning. Adults have special needs and requirements as learners.
1. Adults are autonomous and self-directed: Adults need to be free to direct their own learning. If the learning engagement is classroom-based, the facilitator must actively involve adult participants in the learning process. Specifically, they have to be sure to act as facilitators, guiding participants to their own knowledge rather than supplying them with all of the facts. They should allow the participants to assume responsibility for their learning and engage them in discussions, presentations and group-based tasks. If the learning engagement is an e-Learning course, the course should be designed to allow participants to explore topics in greater detail and choose from multiple learning activities.
2. Adults bring knowledge and experience to each learning activity: Over their lives, adults have accumulated a wealth of life experiences and knowledge. This may include family memories, work-related experiences, and previous education. Linking new material in …show more content…

Adults need learning to be relevant and practical: Every day, the human brain takes in hundreds of thousands of sensory inputs. As the brain processes these inputs, it begins to sort out information it deems relevant and important. Relevancy increases the likelihood information will be retained. Adults must see a reason for learning something and the learning must be applicable to their work or other responsibilities in order for it to be valuable for them. Therefore, learning engagements must identify objectives for adult participants before the course begins. By nature, most adults are practical about their learning. Typically, they will focus on the aspects of a program most useful to them in their work. Participants must know how the content will be useful to

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