Acclimating A New Kitten Essay

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How to Properly Acclimate a New Kitten Into a Home With Existing Cats
Research: Meta Description: Adding an additional pet or companion animal to a home with existing pets can be very challenging. This is even more the case with adult cats and a new kitten.
Meta Key Words: New kitten, Introducing cats, Cat introductions, Acclimating kittens

Introducing a New Kitten to Your Cats May Be Easier Than You Think
Anyone who loves cats can tell that the only thing better than a cat is two cats, and that the only thing better than two cats is three, and so on. But bringing a fresh, innocent, sweet …show more content…

Here is a quick guide on acclimating a new kitten to your home while preserving the peace you’ve enjoyed with your established feline companions.
The Best Laid Plans of Cat Lovers and Cats
The first thing you’ll want to do, before procuring the new kitten—if possible—is to plan ahead. If you can be ready, not just for the needs of your new kitten but for the needs of your existing cat or cats, then the acclimation will be much more likely to go smoothly. Make sure that you have a dedicated, confined space, where your new kitten can hang out with their bed, scratcher, toys, and food.
Think Like A Cat
Cats don’t think like people. No matter how much credit we try to give them for having human feelings and thoughts, they are cats and their brains work much differently. For one thing cats use smell and body language to communicate with one another. And, while you can’t do much for the body language of your gangly and over-excited new feline friend, you can do something to introduce their scent to your existing gang and the smells of your current menagerie to your new cat. This is most easily done by switching their blankets with one another every day or so, making sure that each veteran household member gets the opportunity to acclimate to the smell of

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