Accessing Your Conflict Style

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According to the survey that I completed in “The Conflict Style Assessment” found in the Conerly article my style is that of Confronting. I will agree in some degree with the style because I do place a high value on relationship goals and I am assertive and cooperative (Conerly, 2004).
I believe it is important in a work environment for people to work as a team. As much as I understand that everyone may not like each other, I believe it is important to be respectful of all parties concerned and get along. I also believe if given an opportunity most people will be able to see the good in others and forge a relationship of some sort.
Conerly (2004), further states two things attribute to the way conflict is managed. One is the importance of meeting your own goals and the other is the importance you attribute to relationships and wanting to get along with others.
Conflicts arise when people’s interest, values, actions, views or expectation come into contact and there is a difference of opinion and thus a disagreement (Conerly, 2004). The way people view the conflict will determine whether the resolution will negative or positive consequences.
Working in supervisory and managerial positions I do view problems as something to be solved and wanting to be a perfectionist I can spend some looking for the best resolve, one that will have everyone happy and enjoying working with each other. The reality is that that is not the case in many situations and time can be lost looking to build a relationship where there will never be one.
Conflicts styles that are difficult for me to work with are those that resonate from a point of fear. When someone attempts to use force to initiate and conclude a conflict. Those people who attack oth...

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...e personality clashes or warring egos, I believe it is important to act as a mediator that actively listens, when using confrontation techniques. Managing the conflict is about finding a mutual solution that is amicable to all parties concerned. For the mediator it is most important to have the ability to define the problem while acting as an intercessor and look for alternatives in its resolution while diffusing the conflict.

Works Cited

CPP Inc. (2008). The CPP global human capital report: Workplace conflict and how businesses can harness it to thrive.
Conerly, K., & Tripathi, A. (2004). What is your conflict style? Journal for Quality & Participation, 27(2), 16-20.
Schaubhut, N. A. (2007). Technical Brief for the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument: Description of the updated normative sample and implications for use. Consulting Psychologist Press.

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