Academic Integrity

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understand the critical ethical nature of academic and professional integrity in the medical field as they remain unnoticed and such behavior is not discouraged or punished. The persistence of their concerning behavior causes all of these students to internalize non-ethical practices of deception, dishonesty, trickery, and fraud. This lays the precedent for the occurrence of future professional issues concerning their behavior as medical providers. More importantly, these actions prevent the students from learning the knowledge of medical conditions and other aspects of the curriculum severely impacting their abilities to properly diagnose and treat patients. Plagiarism as well as other forms of professional dishonesty are also a serious problem …show more content…

Thus, it is also a vital responsibility for medical faculty at schools of medicine to pay attention to such behavior and discourage its repetition in the future. Such actions are necessary because they will positively impact the quality of healthcare in the future. When medical students develop the marks of both academic and personal integrity, either by their own accord or through disciplinary action by medical school faculty, they learn that deceptive behavior in their academic and professional duties is severely detrimental to their future success as medical doctors. Successful development of academic and personal integrity ensures that the necessary competencies for team function are internalized. This permits these medical practitioners to be fully engaged in the sufficient provision technically correct professional feedback during team discussions rather than being inactive and inept members of the healthcare team that impairs quality team performance. In addition, it is important for these medical providers to also go about their discussions without cutting corners. Both of these capabilities provide the healthcare team with the information that they desperately need to solve any difficult clinical case scenarios that might occur. Personal ethical responsibility is thus an important guiding principle that should be paid close attention to by medical students as they progress through the medical curriculum. Doing so guides them during their acquisition and further development of academic integrity, laying the necessary groundwork for the creation of competent medical professionals that respect ethical

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