Academic Doctors Job Scenarios

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(Plano, TX) Academic doctors work to train and mentor those new to the medical field, including residents and new doctors. In addition, these professionals function to translate the latest medical biology research for clinical use. Most spend a portion of their time engaging in clinical research and interacting with professional organizations. They may be asked to develop and evaluate a training program, handling accreditation and policy issues and/or assessing resident doctors. As they handle so many jobs, these professionals remain in high demand and finding the right candidate for a position can be difficult.

"Kaye/Bassman International ( works with candidates and employers to ensure the right individuals …show more content…

Some opt to work in executive positions, such as serving as a chairman, medical direct or associate dean. Others, however, find the prefer to work in a certain specialty, such as internal medicine, neurosurgery or radiology, and many choose to work in graduate medical education, medical education and development or executive leadership.

"Kaye/Bassman International recruits and consults on all levels, understanding clients and candidates have different preferences and needs. The healthcare industry demands highly qualified and dedicated professionals, and this is remembered at all times during the recruitment and consultation process," Kaye/Bassman continues.

The company remains committed to the continuous growth and improvement of not only the clients and candidates, but also their families. A survey conducted by the American Medical Association and the Mayo Clinic found that more than half of all doctors exhibited a minimum of one symptom of burnout in 2014, an almost nine percent increase from results obtained in 2011. Roughly 47 percent of participants stated they were emotionally exhausted, with 40 percent exhibiting symptoms of depression. Finding the right job helps to minimize problems of this

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