Abuela Invents The Zero Summary

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The decision of the choice made, affects how everything else will turn out. In more than one example, we are able to see multiple examples of this. By way of example, in Abuela Invents the Zero, the author asserts, “... I[Constancia] would like for her to disappear. I just know that on Monday my friends, and my enemies, in the barrio will have a lot of senile-grandmother jokes to tell in front of me. I am frozen to my seat. So the same woman who wants me dead on the spot does it for me. She makes a big deal out of getting up and hurrying to get Abuela. “.(Ortiz-Cofer 14)This shows that Constancia’ s more afraid of what her peers will think instead of how her grandmother will feel and how it will affect their relationship.Constancia paid attention only to how she would feel and not what the outcome would be, or how her grandmother would feel. …show more content…

Not only does Constancia think of her own feelings in this scene, she also doesn’t want to go to church with Abuela in the first place. As seen in Abuela invents the Zero, “I plan to stay very busy the whole time she’s with us so that I won’t be asked to take her anywhere, but my plan is ruined when my mother comes down with the flu and Abuela absolutely has to attend Sunday mass...My father decides that he should stay home with my mother and that I should escort la abuela to church. He tells me this on Saturday night as I’m getting ready to go out to the mall with my friends. ‘No way,’ I say.

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