Abraham Lincoln Legacy Essay

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Abraham Lincoln’s Lasting Legacy Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States and shaped the way our nation is today. He was born on February 12, 1809 and lived his early years in a log cabin in rural Kentucky. His mother’s death when he was nine years old affected him greatly and put an emotional strain on his relationship with his father. His father embodied everything Lincoln despised including laziness, lacking ambition, and anti-intellectual. A love for knowledge helped Abraham to become a well spoken, intelligent, and popular young man as he work odd jobs in Illinois. After a term in the Illinois state legislature, Lincoln decided to teach himself law. He passed the bar in 1837 and moved to Springfield, Illinois where Little did he know that he would do both and change the United States forever. Through his efforts to put the Union back together and fight for equal rights for African Americans in the 1860’s, Abraham Lincoln helped to restore the Union and get equal rights for all citizens.When the war started, he believed that it was his presidential duty to preserve the Union at all cost. Lincoln thought that this would be a short war with an easy Union victory but Lincoln struggled to find a general capable of bringing him success on the He changed a culture in the South and kept the union as a whole. Jarrett Stepman said, “Lincoln’s legacy in the United States overshadows almost any other American outside of George Washington. Though he was so controversial in his own time that his presidential election sent one section of the country into open rebellion, there is no question that Lincoln’s life, leadership, and principles profoundly shaped the course of this nation’s history.” (Stepman) This still reigns true today, Lincoln shaped this nation even 150 years after his death. He led the Union to a victory against the Confederates and not only did he reunite the fallen States but he ended one of the most inhumane things in US history,

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