Abnormality In Rain Man

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Harmoni Ropp
Abnormality in Cinema
Bemidji State University

Abnormality in Rain Man Rain Man is an old, classic film featuring two brothers, Raymond and Charlie Babbitt. Unbeknownst to Charlie for the first many years of his life, he was not an only child, but had a brother Raymond, who had been sent to a psychiatric facility when Charlie was quite young, due to his diagnosis of autism. As the movie progressed, it was revealed that Raymond had burnt baby Charlie prior to being sent to the mental institution, and stayed there for over twenty years until the death of their father. At this point, Charlie discovered his autistic older brother.
Raymond in Rain Man Raymond, or Rain Man, as Charlie affectionately called him as a child, definitely portrayed characteristics of autism spectrum disorder, as his perception and socialization with others was affected. Clearly, Raymond often engaged in repetitious behavior. An example of this is when he would go to a restaurant for breakfast with his brother Charlie. He predictably would state that he wanted pancakes, but would then say, “Of course the maple syrup is supposed …show more content…

There are a wide variety of influences that have been linked to autism, and some of these dimensions include psychological and social, biological, and environmental. In the past, people with ASD were suspected to be very low in self-awareness, and thus behaved unusually – referring to themselves as “him” or “her,” rather than using the first-person (Durand, 2016). In later years, it was discovered that some autistic individuals did show signs of self-awareness, though. Furthermore, some individuals with a less severe diagnosis of ASD exhibit savant skills, just as Raymond did in Rain Man when he was able to count 246 toothpicks in a short period of time. It is important to realize that only a third of individuals with ASD have these abilities,

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